
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family Reunion 2013

Updates on Clifton -
Back to no naps:/  But he is being good at entertaining himself during McKay's nap time so I can have some time.
He is starting to be more social.  He has always been too scared and shy to go play with other kids he does not know.  But he is going and playing with kids he just meet and playing well with them.  It is so good to see him do that.  He is getting to be my big boy!

Updates on McKay -
Her sore from her infection is finally back to normal.  It took a long time for it to go down all the way, but it is finally gone:)  We had to fight with her all week to take her antibiotics.  So I am very glad to be done with that.
New words - apple, cereal, milk, and excuse me.
McKay being silly with her Daddy!

This week we traveled to Utah for Alex's family reunion.  It was a quick trip but we still had fun.
We even got to eat at a Golden Corral!  I love their rolls:) Clifton was excited to pick out whatever he wanted to eat.  This was his first time to a buffet.
We stopped in Boise for the night and got to visit the newly-remodeled Boise Temple.

We stayed with Alex's sister, JoLin, for the first night.  And the kids had a blast.  I love the fact that my kids know their cousins.  I never knew mine and it means so much to me that they know and enjoy each other.  Clifton and McKay could have moved in, they loved it there.

The next morning JoLin and I went to a Kiss Me Dirty mud run.  It is a race just for women (with one heat for men in drag) that supports breast and ovarian cancer.
It was fun.  It was not nearly as dirty as the Dirty Dash but still fun.  It was real nice to get to know JoLin more and just spend time with her. She is a fun lady, I like her:)  And to also support a good cause!

We then spent the rest of the time with the whole McClellan clan!
It was McKay's first time meeting her Great Grandpa.  It was good to see everyone and especially Great Grandpa.  I fell in love with Alex's Grandpa the first time I meet him.  He is such a great man and has such a great family.  I am so lucky to be apart of it:)

Spending time getting to know our cousins!

We snuck away for a little and made a visit to the Logan temple.  Clifton thinks it is great to see the temples and I love that excitement he has.
I love to see the temple!

It was a fun, hot, and tiring week.  McKay struggled with being away from home and did not sleep well, but it was worth the trip and seeing everyone.

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