
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teaching Preschool

Updates on McKay -
She has been making sentences and doing really well at speaking.  Some of her sentences are 4-5 words.  She is my little talker!

Updates on Clifton -
He must be going through a growth spurt!  He is sleeping more and eating a ton.  Which is not my usual Clifton.  But I like it:)

For FHE we had our friends join us.  I found a cute story on Pinterest about the Turkey with a Terrible Temper.
My kids loved it!
Then for activity we made turkey puppets.  It was a fun night!

We have busy with preschool all week.  Which has been so fun:)
My kids are having fun coming with me to teach preschool and I have really been enjoying it. 

Sunday we were able to attend my sister in laws ward to hear her sons "farewell" talk.  It was a wonderful day spent with family!
Always good to get together:)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Portland Thanksgiving 2013

Updates on McKay -
She loves singing and I think pretty good at it.  We often just sit and sing songs together.  She picks up songs fast and is so stinking cute when she sings.  It melts my heart hearing her sings, especially when she sings church songs.

Updates on Clifton -
He is doing really well in preschool.  He knows all his upper case letters, and most of the lower case ones.  He also know a lot of the letters sounds.  I am impressed with how well he has been doing and how much fun we have been having doing preschool together:)

For FHE we did our Thankful Tree.  It is one of my favorite traditions we have as a family!
I love the holidays.

I was giving an opportunity to teach a preschool on Tuesday and Thursdays.  And I get to take my kids with me.  The kids are 2-3 years old.  So it is great for McKay and the boys enjoy being there and "helping" me teach.
I am excited for this new adventure in our lives!  And feel so blessed to be able to teach:)  I love teaching!

We went to Tacoma to try their children's museum.  I was very impressed!
We had a blast!!!  We will be going back again soon:)

Friday we traveled down to Portland for a night and celebrated Thanksgiving with the Stanley's!
Spending time with cousins!
Watching our first 3D movie on my brothers fancy 3D TV.  Clifton loved it!

Then we went to the movie theater with almost all the Stanley's and watch Free Birds.
 Yum popcorn!
My kids enjoyed the movie.

It was a quick trip but a fun trip to Portland!
You know my kids are tired and played hard if they fall asleep in the car:)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bug Museum

Updates on Clifton -
He is getting so big!  Sometimes it is hard to believe he is becoming my big boy.  He is trying really hard at doing things by himself.  Which makes a lot of things go slower, but I am so happy he is trying to be independent.
I love this picture of my big boy!  Wearing his dad's Sounders hat and looking too stinking cute.

Updates on McKay -
She has been struggling with day light savings.  Waking up an hour earlier than normal no matter what time I put her to bed and grumpy because she is up too early.  Man do I hate day light savings:(  Hopefully she can get back on schedule soon and we can all be happier!
She sure is a cutie!

For FHE activity this week we did some art.  We painted our hands to look like turkeys.  he kids love painting their hands!

And it turned out to be a cute decoration for Thanksgiving!

Wednesday we went to the bug museum.  We took Clifton once like a year or more ago and he freaked out so I was a little worried.  But he loved it and so did McKay.
I love having fun with my kids while exploring and learning!

For the last eight weeks I have done a healthy eating/life style challenge.  I finished and felt like I did a great job.  I feel very proud of myself.
The best thing about this is we made some changes in our life that will stick.  I hope I can keep all this great habits going and continue to feel great.  I love feeling fit and having energy.  Great experience!

A fun week of playing and exploring!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween and My Birthday 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He is loving preschool.  He begs to do it everyday.  Which makes every effort I have put into it totally worth it.  I can see him improving on things as well and it makes me so happy to be having fun and learning with him.

Updates on McKay -
She loves her Daddy!  She wants him all day long.  From the moment she wakes up till she goes to bed.  The first thing she says she she wakes up is "Where's Daddy?"  It is cute!
She is also the prayer enforcer. If you are not closing your eyes or have your arms folding during prayer.  She will yell at you until you do so.

For FHE activity we dressed up as mummies.  We wrapped each other up in toilet paper.  To say that Clifton loved it would be an understatement!
They loved playing in the mess afterwards as well.  A super fun night with the family.

This week we had some extra energy so we went to Kitsap play.
We had a lot of fun! And got a lot of energy out:)

Halloween was Thursday and man were my kids excited to go trick or treating.  McKay got down how to trick or treat very quickly and was happy to get candy.  This year we all went as Minions!
 I think the costumes turned out pretty good.  They kept us nice and warm.  And the kids wore them!

Trunk or treating!
A great Halloween!

Saturday we spent the morning at the temple with Alex's nephew and family.  It was such a wonderful experience.  It was so quiet and peaceful!
Sunday was my birthday so for my birthday we were able to get tickets to the Sounders vs Timbers playoff game Saturday.  It was awesome!!!!  The kids spent the day with their cousins, aunts, and uncles.  They loved it!
A wonderful week and birthday!  Life is good:)