
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween and My Birthday 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He is loving preschool.  He begs to do it everyday.  Which makes every effort I have put into it totally worth it.  I can see him improving on things as well and it makes me so happy to be having fun and learning with him.

Updates on McKay -
She loves her Daddy!  She wants him all day long.  From the moment she wakes up till she goes to bed.  The first thing she says she she wakes up is "Where's Daddy?"  It is cute!
She is also the prayer enforcer. If you are not closing your eyes or have your arms folding during prayer.  She will yell at you until you do so.

For FHE activity we dressed up as mummies.  We wrapped each other up in toilet paper.  To say that Clifton loved it would be an understatement!
They loved playing in the mess afterwards as well.  A super fun night with the family.

This week we had some extra energy so we went to Kitsap play.
We had a lot of fun! And got a lot of energy out:)

Halloween was Thursday and man were my kids excited to go trick or treating.  McKay got down how to trick or treat very quickly and was happy to get candy.  This year we all went as Minions!
 I think the costumes turned out pretty good.  They kept us nice and warm.  And the kids wore them!

Trunk or treating!
A great Halloween!

Saturday we spent the morning at the temple with Alex's nephew and family.  It was such a wonderful experience.  It was so quiet and peaceful!
Sunday was my birthday so for my birthday we were able to get tickets to the Sounders vs Timbers playoff game Saturday.  It was awesome!!!!  The kids spent the day with their cousins, aunts, and uncles.  They loved it!
A wonderful week and birthday!  Life is good:)

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