
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bug Museum

Updates on Clifton -
He is getting so big!  Sometimes it is hard to believe he is becoming my big boy.  He is trying really hard at doing things by himself.  Which makes a lot of things go slower, but I am so happy he is trying to be independent.
I love this picture of my big boy!  Wearing his dad's Sounders hat and looking too stinking cute.

Updates on McKay -
She has been struggling with day light savings.  Waking up an hour earlier than normal no matter what time I put her to bed and grumpy because she is up too early.  Man do I hate day light savings:(  Hopefully she can get back on schedule soon and we can all be happier!
She sure is a cutie!

For FHE activity this week we did some art.  We painted our hands to look like turkeys.  he kids love painting their hands!

And it turned out to be a cute decoration for Thanksgiving!

Wednesday we went to the bug museum.  We took Clifton once like a year or more ago and he freaked out so I was a little worried.  But he loved it and so did McKay.
I love having fun with my kids while exploring and learning!

For the last eight weeks I have done a healthy eating/life style challenge.  I finished and felt like I did a great job.  I feel very proud of myself.
The best thing about this is we made some changes in our life that will stick.  I hope I can keep all this great habits going and continue to feel great.  I love feeling fit and having energy.  Great experience!

A fun week of playing and exploring!

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