
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snow Time

Updates on McKay -
She is definitely two and it is definitely terrible.  She hits her brother like crazy!!!  Not saying Clifton is always innocent but half the time he is doing nothing and she attacks him.  Lots of tears and tantrums.  But I am sure hopefully we can figure this out and teach her these behaviors are not going to get her anything she wants.
Her new thing is drinking juice and chocolate milk at the same time.  It makes me laugh.  What  a weirdo!

Updates on Clifton -
Man does he have attitude!  This one is hard for me to teach and punish.  Its often easy for me to brush off and move on.  But I need to be consistent and let him know it is not okay.  Discipline... always harder on the parent.

For FHE we had some friends join us and we played popcorn olympics to get excited for the Olympics that were starting this week.
It was so much fun.  We made a whole bunch of popcorn.  We played three games.  Popcorn toss into partners mouth (kids throw and then parents throw), popcorn drop (stand on chair and drop popcorn into cup on floor), and popcorn blow (blow popcorn with a straw across the table).  The kids LOVED it and we really enjoyed it as well.  I am afraid though of the next time we make popcorn.  I hope they don't think we can throw popcorn all over every time:)

Saturday we went and saw the Lego movie.  It was pretty cute.  Clifton really enjoyed it.

And when we got of the movie theater it was SNOWING!!!!
As soon as we got home we meet up with our friends and went sledding with them.  Which was awesome!  Clifton has been asking to go sledding for the last couple weeks so he got his fill.
Clifton was all about the snow.  We spent a total of four hours that day playing in the snow.  He made his own snowman and then helped me make a monster snowman.
Then we got the jeep out and he got a lesson on how to drive in the snow:)  It was so fun!  I pretty much ran along side him making sure he didn't get stuck.  He thought this was the coolest thing ever.
Of course we had to pick up his friend!  I love this picture:)  I think it captures our two crazy kiddos! And this is what happens when you let women drive, totally just joking!
McKay didn't stay out nearly as long as Clifton but she really enjoyed playing in the snow as well.  And she looked so stinking cute all bundled up.
Snowman family
Snow turkey
My two cuties all bundled up!

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