
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Heart Attack with Love

Updates McKay -
She has had a difficult week:/  She is pushing and hitting a lot lately.  Mostly aimed at he brothers but she is hitting other kids too.  It makes me so sad to see her do mean things.  So a lot of screaming, tears, and time outs.  Hopefully this is a phase and it will pass soon.  But I have a feeling we will have weeks full of the same thing until she has finally learned its less fun to hit than go to time out.

She is doing well at walking and not being held all the time.  We do have to remind her.
However we are still getting lots of cuddle time.

Updates on Clifton -
He has had a tough week as well.  He has so much attitude.  He has something to say about everything even if it has nothing to do with him.  I often think about him and what he might do with his life when he grows up.  Like I have thought maybe a contractor or architect because he loves watching tractors.   Anyway this last week I am thinking he will be a debater/politician.  Just because he loves to debate about every single thing:/

For FHE we got cut hearts out of sticky notes.  Then I asked what they loved about each person and we wrote them on the sticky notes.  Once we came up with all the ways we love each other.  We heart attacked each other with the sticky notes.
It was a fun night!

McKay loves doing Zumba with me.  She begs to go to my "dance class".  She only stays for about twenty minutes but I love dancing with her.  I hope she always shares the love of dancing with me:)
She does the moves too but of course when I start recording she just bounced to the music.  Its still insanely cute!

Clifton, McKay and I had fun at hip hop wednesday.  The teacher was teaching them about free style.
It's a cute class!  McKay sure wishes she was in the class.

Sunday was the Superbowl!!!  We were very excited to spend the day with family and cheer on the Seahawks.  Plans changed a little when we were not told the correct place to meet and ended up at Alex's parents house.  Luckily his dad stayed home by himself because he wasn't feeling so great.  So we got Grandpa all to ourselves and enjoyed watching the game with him.
It's not very often we get Grandpa all to ourselves.  So we really enjoyed the day even tough it did not go as planned.  We love Grandpa!!!

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