
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valentines 2014

Updates on McKay -
She loves helping me cook.  Any time I go to the kitchen to cook she grabs the stool and climbs up to help.  Its cute!
She has been getting along better with her brother.  Still has some hits but not nearly as bad as last week.  Hopefully we can continue to get better and better at not hitting and yelling.

Updates on Clifton -
He seems to be doing better this week as well.  We still have to sit down often and talk about the attitude he has.
He gave his first talk in primary.  Well it was more like first couple words.  He was too scared to give his talk but I did get amen and a few other things out of him.  Practice!  Hopefully he won't always be afraid.

Last hip hop class.  McKay joined them this week:)
I can't wait to be able to sign her up for classes.  She loves dancing and participating in any activity!

Wednesday I got a call from Alex in the middle of the day that his cars wheel/steering broke.  He could not steer.  Luckily he was going pretty slow because he was leaving the base.  So we went to rescue him.  He could not leave the car because it was technically still on base.  So we all had to wait for the tow truck.  And the tow truck took almost two hours!!!!  So what do we do with the time?
Make silly faces of course!

Thursday the preschool I teach had a Valentines party.
The kids wore the shirts they made.
We had so much fun making and eating heart shaped pizzas, decorating valentines bags, playing with a parachute, and passing out and getting valentines.  I love holidays!  It was a fun day.

Friday was Valentines day!
I made breakfast.  That doesn't happen very often.  But since it was a holiday I made heart shaped pancakes.  And it was a HIT!
Later that night we made heart shaped pizzas for dinner and heart shaped cinnamon rolls for dessert.
And Alex surprised us all with gifts (we don't usually do gifts) and flowers.  It was very sweet and the kids of coursed loved it.

That night Alex and I had planned a date to go ballroom dancing at the Y.
Since we were going dancing my friend did my make up all cute and put my hair up in a bun.  When I came home all done up Clifton said "how did you get so pretty?".  I guess they are used to their lazy mom:)  And McKay insisted on wearing what I had on.  She kept pointing to my lips and saying "I want".  My friend let me borrow her red lip stick so I put some on McKay.  It was both of our first time wearing red lip stick:)
We had a blast dancing!  Brings back memories when we went dancing at least once a week.  Best Valentines day ever!

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