
Monday, May 19, 2014

More Sunshine!

Updates on Clifton -
He is really into writing his name.  He wants to write his name on everything!  He is still loving to color and has to make sure his name is on everything he colors.  He often asks for a piece of paper so he can write his name and he will fill the paper with writing his first and last name over and over again.

Updates on McKay -
She has been Daddy's girl this week.  "Where is Daddy?"  "Is Daddy him yet?"  "No... I want Daddy!"  She wants him all the time and really doesn't want to share him either:/

For FHE it was a beautiful day so we went out to play miniature golf!
Clifton was all about it and had a blast!  McKay liked it until her pink ball almost went in the water.  She freaked out and refused to play after that because she did not want to lose her pink ball.  Heaven forbid!
Yep thats Alex scooping his ball out of the water.  A really fun night out together!

Our friends made our fun night an even better night by stopping by with ice cream bars.  We have the best of friends!

The weather was awesome this week.  So we spent a lot of time outside playing.
I was obviously taking it too easy.  I was laying outside soaking in the sun while the kids were playing.  Then all of the sudden I was getting squirted with a squirt gun!  They sure thought they were funny.
They love those squirt guns.

We spent a day at the lake enjoying the weather too.
 Clifton has always been afraid of water but he left his fears at home today and was going out deep.  I love watching him get over fears.  McKay was never afraid and was out there with her brother the whole time.
Of course we had to have a picnic at the lake too!

The rest of the week we spent outside enjoying the great weather.
 Catching frogs and bugs.
McKay is quite good on that scooter.
Playing at the park.  Spiderman was there:)

My kids have been extra silly in the bath lately.
Love my goof balls!

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