
Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Updates on Clifton -
Still very interested in words and spelling.  He is always asking questions abut words and sounds.  He is such a curios little boy.  He definitely keeps me on my toes with all the questions.  But its great that he is so interested.
He is also super interested in coloring.  He will spend a long time on one picture and has a purpose to what color goes where.  It is really good because he has never really showed much interest in coloring.

Updates on McKay -
This girl is always dancing.  Always, whether there is music or not.  She is so cute:)  She still loves coming to Zumba with me and knows some of the routines pretty well.  I hope she keeps this love and we can both share the love of dance.

Monday for FHE we had a lesson on good words and bad words.  We have a few words we don't want to be using in our house that the kids have been saying.  So I put words on pieces of paper (good and bad) and they took turns finding a piece of paper.  We would read the word and talk about whether that is a good word or a bad word.  If it was bad we would crinkle it up and throw it in a trash can.  They really liked that part.

We had a couple nice days this week and we were able to take advantage of them and play outside.
Oh summer I am so excited!

At preschool Thursday we had a Mother's Day tea.  All the moms came and we had snacks and did crafts together.
I love how my tote bag turned out!

Mother's day was this weekend so our ward put together a father/son campout.  Alex decided he was going to take Clifton.  This was Clifton's first campout and he was so very excited.  Alex was nervous of how it would go.  But even with that fear and rain he still took Clifton.
And they had a blast!
Clifton did wake up in the middle of the night cold and confused but as soon as he got in to Alex's sleeping bag he slept great.  Alex however did not get much sleep.  He is such a good father doing things he does not particularly enjoy so that Clifton can have good memories.  And so I could have kind of a night off.

While the boys were out McKay and I took a trip to Bluberries and got some yummy frozen yogurt.
McKay approved of that:)
She also requested we paint our nails.  So we came home and painted our nails blue and green for the Sounders game this weekend.
She loves them.

Sunday was Mother's Day and I was spoiled.  My favorite gift I got me was my new phone cover.
Just love it!
 My kiddos each made me cards.  Clifton is getting so good at writing.  And Alex made me breakfast.
The kids made sure to tell me I was beautiful and give me lots of hugs and kisses.  I sure love my family!

That afternoon we got to go over to Alex's sisters and spend time with his family.  And his nephew got to Skype home from his mission so we got a couple minutes to see him and say hi.  It was a wonderful day.
I know I say this all the time but I am so happy my kids know and love their cousins.  It is something I did not get to have growing up.  And I see how important it is in my kids lives now.

Here is a funny video of Clifton singing to Frozen on our way home from Alex's sisters house.
Love this guy!

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