
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Birthday!

Updates on Clifton -
He is getting to be a better sleeper.  He is still my early riser but he can fall asleep with McKay singing or talking in their room.  Before anything that moved or made the slightest sound would wake him or keep him awake.

Updates on McKay -
She is loving her dance class and is such a cute little dancer.

Updates on Baby #3 -
32 weeks!  Things are getting harder and harder for me, but as long as I plan things to get me out and about I do well.

My 28th birthday was Monday.  It was a rough morning, lets just say day light savings better not fall near my birthday again!  But we got out and had a good morning with friends.  I am so blessed to have Kathryn in my life.  She made one year of my blogs into a book which was the sweetest gifts.  I love it!  And so does Clifton he reads it pretty much everyday.
That night we went out to dinner at my favorite place Olive Garden to celebrate.
Yummmm.... bread sticks!
After I got to go shoe shopping for new running/working out shoes.  Which was much needed especially now.
And I found a pair!

Tuesday night Kathryn and I got to have a girls night!  We went and got dessert and a pedicure.  Probably our last girls night out before these babies come.
This was both of our first times getting a pedicure.  It felt nice:)  But the best part was spending an evening together without kids!

Wednesday we got to spend another day with our friends.  It was a pretty dry day so we played outside in the cold for as long as I could handle it.
I love these kiddos!
And then we went to Poulsbo to a ceramic painting place.
I think they look cute.  I can't wait to see them finished.
And right next door was a donut shop so we hit that up.
Another fun day with our favorite people.

Friday night we went to go see Big Hero 6 as a family.
It was a cute movie and a fun night out together.

Saturday we got to go to our friends birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's.  And of course my kids loved that! A great time with friends.

That afternoon primary had a program practice to get ready for Sunday's big primary program.  It went well and I think we are ready.  Clifton had his part memorized and even said it from the pulpit without any help.  I am so proud of him and amazed by how quickly he could memorize something.

Sunday was the Primary Program.  And it went well.  Clifton struggled a little but it is to be expected.  However he did sit next to the microphone controller and for some reason decided to push the off button while someone was giving their part.  But I guess I have to laugh that off.  To be fair he didn't know what he was doing.
Both Grandma's and Grandpa's came to watch the program.  Which sure made Clifton feel extra special!  We are so blessed to live close enough and to have parents that care enough to come.
After church they spent the day with us and we had a nice dinner together.  I don't think I have had this many people in my house at once to eat dinner.  I was nervous about space but we all fit comfortably. It was so nice to have a day full of family.

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