
Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Updates on Clifton -
Every day Clifton gets phone time, where he plays kids games on a phone for a set amount of time.  This week I caught him doing selfies for his phone time.  And I think I captured the best picture ever.
Makes me laugh every time I see it.
On Friday he uses his phone time while I play soccer with friends.  And this is what happens :)  How silly is he!

Updates on McKay -
She plays so well by herself.  She loves playing with her stuffed animals.  She loves hiding them and then making me find them :)
And setting dinner up for them.  She is cute!

Update on Stanley -
He had his four month check up.
Just chillin' waiting for the doctors.  He is my little man.  He is in the 1st percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  We are thinking it is due to being in the hospital twice and he will catch back up.  The doctor said he was still wheezing and working to breathe more than normal.  But his oxygen count was good.  So she feels that there is something more than bronchiolitis.
He had a visit with the pulmonologist and he agrees with the doctor.  He is doing well but feels that asthma might be the issue.  They do not diagnose asthma until kids are there but they are going to put him on an inhaler once a day for the next month and see if that helps.  He also put him on another inhaler/nebulizer to help get all of the mucus he still has hanging around.
He is such a good boy and even though he hates it he will still smile through it :)
So far the inhaler seems to be helping his wheezing.  We go back in a month to see what the pulmonologist says.  We also set up an appointment with the ENT to have his nose checked to make sure there is nothing with that causing his breathing issues when he gets sick.

He is our tongue boy, just like Clifton was, always sticking it out.
He will stick his tongue out if you do it.  Oh how we love this guy.

He also started laughing.  And thats pretty much what we do all day... get him to laugh.
Love his giggles!
Oh and he also found his toes!
More things to munch on!

Monday we got to meet up with Alex's old mission friend and our friends from college.
We took the ferry over to Seattle and meet them at a restaurant.
 A beautiful day!
Riding the ferry and sticking his tongue out.
 Seriously they are so cute!
 It's always fun to walk in Seattle.
We had a blast!  It was like years hadn't passed since we had seen them last.  We loved seeing them and catching up.  What a great family they are.  We sure love the Huntsman's.

Friday we got together with friends and had a potluck dinner at Manchester Beach.  It was a beautiful day and so so so much fun to get together with our friends.  
The kids played so well together and we enjoyed chatting away while they played.  Seriously a wonderful evening and something we will have to do more often.

Saturday was our stake day of service.  This time it was at a local school weeding and rebarking.
Lots of hard work and the school looked great afterwards.  We all had fun working with friends.

That night we went to our friend Elizabeth's birthday party at Play Kitsap and bounced the night away.
We love our friends.

Sunday was Mother's Day!  Church was wonderful and full of love for all the women/mothers.  It was a wonderful day.  After church we went to Grandma Peterson's house to celebrate Mother's Day with her.  
She is a wonderful lady, we love and appreciate her very much.  I also thought a lot about my mom that day too.  I love her and cannot thank her enough for being a great mom.
Motherhood is a calling.  It is not a hobby.  It is not something to do if you can squeeze in the time.  It is what God gave you time for.  I love being a mom, it has its hard times but it also has its amazing times.  No matter what, it is 100% worth it and I would not choose anything else.  I love my children and feel very blessed to have this time with them.

McKay made me day even better by this sweet spur of the moment song she sang for me.

She sure can be a handful but these sweet moments make up for it!

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