
Monday, June 15, 2015

Fun in the Sun

Updates on Clifton -
He is obsessed with time and days.  He asks all the time how many days till this and how many minutes till this.

Updates on McKay -
She has had a cough for a couple weeks now.  No fever or any other sign of sickness, but random coughing fits.  She can go hours without coughing but then have a coughing fit.  I am kind of wondering if it has to do with the heat or something.  I'm hoping it gets better soon if not I think we will have to take her into the doctors.

Updates on Stanley -
I just love him to pieces and wish there was a way to pause him.  He is growing up way to fast.  Way to fast!
He is struggling with eczema and we are trying to figure out if its related to something in his diet or how to control it.  Poor kiddo!

Alex had to go to Georgia for work all week so we made sure we got out and kept busy so we didn't miss him so much.  Luckily it was beautiful weather.
Monday we went to the Bremerton water park with friends.
What a fun afternoon out.  I love the sunshine and all the fun things it allows us to do.

Since the sun is shining earlier and its nice and warm in the morning we have decided to do morning mile walks.
Man if it was sunny and warm all the time I would be in shape all year round :)  Sunshine makes it easy to get out and moving.  I also started a challenge this week with some friends and I am even more motivated to get moving and lose the last of the baby fat.

Tuesday we had a play date with friends!

Wednesday we went on a hike at Guillemot Cove.
 Yep three moms with nine kiddos.  We are a little out of our mind, but it was fun.
And the view was beautiful!
A great hike and great company!

Friday we went up to Zion's Camp with some friends for the night.
 It had been a while since I have been up to Zion's camp and forgot how much there is to do and how fun it is.
We had a blast playing with friends, eating dinner by the fire, and enjoying the beautiful weather and place that we live.  A wonderful night out!

Saturday I had a garage sale and invited our friends to bring their stuff to sell as well.
The kids played so well together and it was so nice to have friends over.

Alex came home later that day and we were so excited to have him back.  Clifton asked "why does Dad not get to have fun like we do?"  Glad he is having as much fun as I do.  The answer... because mom is lucky to stay home and play while Daddy works hard for the family.

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