
Monday, June 1, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He must be growing. He slept in all week which was so nice.

Updates on McKay -
She has officially stopped naps again, but she often needs them.  I hate this transition.  And I thought we already had stopped naps before, so I am surprised we are going through this again.

Updates on Stanley -
Man is he a cutie.  I sure just love him and his snuggles.
Stanley likes to wake up around 6 so we have a little time to ourselves before the other kiddos wake up.  One morning I had fun capturing pictures of him.
Starting to sit by himself.
Not very sturdy but he is getting there!
We also started feeding him baby food.
I'd say he doesn't like peas!  I love being a mom and going through all these firsts with my babies.  Motherhood is wonderful!

Monday was Memorial Day.  We enjoyed the day surrounded by friends.  A BBQ with friends for lunch and one for dinner.
Lots and lots of fun.  A wonderful day.
We had lots of play dates this week and sure enjoyed the weather.
We love our friends!

Wednesday we took Evan out for a fun day to celebrate his birthday.  Evan choose bowling and ice cream for his day of fun.
And it was fun.  The boys have really caught on to bowling and didn't even need my help. We sure do miss having Evan around all the time.  He is one loved boy!
McKay gave up half way through so Stanley got to go bowling for his first time :)

Thursday the kids and I went and explore Illahee State Park.
 I was not too impressed but it was still a fun adventure.
I let Stanley play in the sand for the first time.  He liked it and didn't even try to eat it!

Friday was another beautiful day so we got together with friends and had another picnic at Manchester Beach.
Oh how I love the sunshine and our friends.

Saturday was Evan's birthday party.
Best buds!

That night we got together with Alex's stake YM presidency families and had a picnic at the park.
Alex is blessed to serve with some great people.

Cute picture of McKay helping me wash the car...
And of course dancing while she does it.

Another great week at the Peterson's!

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