
Sunday, June 7, 2015

SV Color Run 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He is starting to not be such a mommy's boy anymore and just growing into a big boy.  Which I am sure is good but it makes me a little sad.  Snuggles and holding my hand are less frequent these days.  So when it does happen I pause and enjoy it.

Updates on McKay -
Well I sure love her however we also struggle with her.  She is seriously the sweetest and cutest girl but when she doesn't want to do something (which is often) there is no way you are changing her mind.  I have not found a way to discipline her.  Anything I say I will take away she says she doesn't care (and she really doesn't) or just throws a huge fit making it even worse.  Time outs do nothing except make her scream more at me.  I sure hope we can figure this out so there is less tantrums and screaming and more making fun memories together.

Updates on Stanley -
Stanley had another visit with the pulmonoligist.  And he is looking and sounding great.  So plan is to stay on his inhaler once a day and use extra inhalers as needed.  I feel so blessed to live in a time that is advanced in medicine and health.
He is 5 months old!
And I couldn't love him more.
He is starting to roll a ton and it wakes him up all night trying to roll and turn.  He's ready to start getting more active with his siblings :)
Sitting up while we are shopping.

Monday for FHE we talked about Captain Moroni/the Title of Liberty/the Family Proclamation. Then we decided to make our own family flag.
Who knew taping paper to a pole would equal hours of fun for the kids.

Tuesday we went swimming!
 Stanley's first time swimming.
A fun morning together.

Wednesday our friends came over and we rode bikes around our development.
Clifton's first time biking along side me.  And he did so well, I was very proud.  We did three miles!  Really fun morning with friends.  I love how friends can make me try things I wouldn't have.  It was so great to watch Clifton's confidence shoot through the roof.

Thursday we had to go to Tacoma for Stanley's doctors appointment so we decided to make a day of it and planned a picnic at Pointe Defiance Park.
Walked the beautiful gardens and enjoyed the sunshine.

Friday was Alex's day off so we enjoyed the beautiful weather and hiked Green Mountain.
It was a great day to see the view.  Clifton loves the Space Needle and thought it was so cool we could see it from the mountain.

Saturday was our second annual Color Run.  We have been counting down the days.
 Family before and after.
Seriously such a cute colorful baby.  I sure love my easy going baby who is always willing to join in on the fun with us.  He is wonderful!
Primary gang before and after.  Man I am so crazy blessed to work with wonderful kids and families in primary.  We sure know how to have a good time together.

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