
Monday, July 27, 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He is onto 40 hours of ready.  Only one more month and a week to read 60 hours.  I feel like we are reading all the time but I can see a huge improvement in just a short month.  He is super motivated so I am hoping we can finish in time.

Update on McKay -
She has a couple days of a fever and was extra tired so it was a down week for her.

Updates on Stanley-
He too had a couple days of a fever but we really can't complain because that was the only symptom.
He had his appointment with the ENT to make sure nothing was structurally wrong with his nose.  I thought they would have to put him under like the did with Clifton when they checked his esophagus but they didn't.  However it meant I had to hold him down while they stuck a camera up his nose.  It was pretty quick and they were able to get a good look.  His nose looked tight (aka small) but that is it.  So the nose is not an issue.  At least we know now and don't need to keep wondering.

Because McKay and Stanley had a couple days with fevers we had a low key week.  Even when they were feeling better we wanted to make sure they didn't spread germs so we spent time just as the family this week.
 Just dancing around.  This girl is so dang cute and has so much personality.  Love that I captured this!
 Making cookies for our new neighbors.
 Amazingly my kids got along the best they ever had this week.  It was so nice to watch them play and realize they are not just siblings but friends too.
Working in the yard and garden.  And eating so yummy yummy strawberries from our garden.
 Love these kiddos!

We were able to get out a few days this week.
 Playing down on Port Orchard's bay.
Manchester State Park.  Actually we went to Manchester Beach but they were doing construction on the docks so it was closed :(  But still fun to get out none the less.

We also go to go to one of our friends to celebrate his birthday and had a ton of fun playing with friends.
Oh and eating ice cream cones of course.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wipeout Run

Updates on Clifton -
This boy loves to play board games. He could literally play all day long.
He is at 25 hours of reading thus far and we both are working so hard to get to 100 by the end of summer.

Updates on McKay -
I am really trying to be more empathetic with her.  She is emotional and super easy to upset.  I have realized it isn't a phase and she is just me emotional than I am.  So I am trying hard to understand how she feels.

Updates on Stanley-
He is eating well and really enjoying real food probably more than formula.  Hoping this will help us achieve our mission to fatten up Stanley.
He has really gotten loud lately.  He has been my quiet calm baby, but lately letting out squeals and letting his siblings know he can join in on the noise making too.

For FHE we talked about listening.  Mainly listening to parents (because we sure struggle with it) but also to the Holy Ghost.  They listened to different sound clips and had to guess the sound.
These are our helpful ears when we need extra help listening.  

This week we had fun playing with friends.
Play group.
Kids book club.  We all read Willy Wonka's Factory and then got together to eat candy (of course) and watch the old movie.  Fun fun fun!  Now we are reading Charlotte's Web.  Clifton is not loving it but we will finish it and then choose another book.

Lake fun.
Puma's game with the Goodin's.  The Puma's were playing Sounders U23 team.  It was fun but I was expecting a little more talent and playing harder.  

Thursday night Alex had a meeting so we decided to get out of the house and walk the marina and listen to the concert on the bay.  
 It was a beautiful evening.  I absolutely love where we live.

Friday we decided to have a picnic.  Alex hasn't been up to Scenic Beach so we decided to go up there for the evening.
I have never seen the tide so high nor the so many waves.  But it was still beautiful as always.  We had a great evening enjoying the beauty around us.  Plus got some cute pictures :)

Saturday was the Wipeout Run.  We have been so excited to try this run.
I love Alex so dang much.  He is always willing to do things with me that might not be his interest.  He doesn't love running but he signed up to try it with me anyway.  And it was a BLAST!
Alex swallowed a ton of bubbly water on the first obstacle and was burping up bubbles the whole run. Yum!
The most organized race I have ever done.  They managed the crowd and obstacles so well.  I don't think we had to wait in a line longer than 5 minutes.  So impressed.  They had MC's at each obstacle and people there to help direct you on how to do the obstacle.  Plus they had lots of the same obstacle so we could go at the same time and race each other.  Even though I work so hard at running Alex bet me every time.  The long legs!  The only down fall was that we ran at the fair grounds on concrete.  It was hot and running on hot concrete made it hotter.  At least we got wet at every obstacle.  Well I managed to make it across the swinging balls with out getting wet, Alex however ya he didn't :)  I will forever have that to brag about :)  So much fun!  Now added to our yearly runs together.  I am slowly getting Alex hooked!
Best memories from the run...
1.  We were the leaders at the start of the race.  So off we start!  There were blue cones lining the path but for some reason Alex did not see them and turned instead of following the path and all the people behind him started following him.  Until i asked where he was going.  It was hilarious.  Lesson learned don't let Alex lead :)
2.  We ran at the Puyallup Fair Grounds so we ran in buildings and past vendors and things.  One vender said smoothies but Alex could see the s.  He said "what is a moooooothie?"  I about peed my pants!
I love that I still have a blast dating my husband.  He is for sure a keeper!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Mission: Fatten Up Stanley

Updates on Clifton -
This has been a tough week.  He has been testing his limits with me and wearing me out.  But hopefully this is a quick phase and it will pass soon.  He is also announcing he is bored all the time.  We have been doing less now that Stanley is somewhat on a napping schedule.  Trying to teach him to entertain himself is quite hard.  But he is filling a lot of his time with reading and getting better and better every day.  It's exciting to watch.

Updates on McKay -
She decided she wants to try out for the library annual talent show.  She says she wants to sing twinkle little star and itsy bitsy spider.  They have try out so we will see if she follows through this next week.  I think it would be great for her if she did.  We will see!

Updates on Stanley -
He had his six month check up.  Waiting for the doctor.
Still my little man 13.3 pounds and 25.5 inches tall.  I am not worried about his size especially since Clifton was small for a while too but we are worried that if he doesnt get bigger and stronger he will not be able to breathe better.  He still struggling to breath when we went in.  Nothing horrible just enough to cause concern.  He has good days and had a few this week but then we are back to raspy and coughy.  So the doctor want to fatten him up.  He is not my best eater and we often have to force him to take a bottle.  She suggested we feed him our food.  If he is reaching for it and grabbing at it then we can feed him.  She said really anything chewy he could eat/chew on.  Really anything except honey.  She suggested to start with eggs and yogurt.  So the next day I gave him eggs.
He got a rash all over his face so I didn't give him anymore.
But he has tried yogurt (and loves it), ground turkey, chicken, toast, strawberries, jello, and even Costco pizza crust.  And his appetite is up!  He is interested in food so much more and eats a lot.  So here is hoping Mission Fatten Stanley Up works and he can get his respiratory working well.
Love this guy to pieces!

Monday for FHE we meet up with the Bouck's and went on a family bike ride in Gig Harbor.
A fun trail and great company.

We had another simple week of playing.  Play group, library fun
(reptile lady there this week),  family run/walks,
movie night 
(now this is how you watch a movie),
park trips,
and an 11.5 mile bike ride with Randi (ya she kicked my butt, but it was so fun to do something new).
Enjoying the cooler weather.

Thursday was Kathryn's birthday so we spent the afternoon playing.  We drove up to Point No Point and had lunch.  Of course there was a fire right next to the shore.  Luckily they didn't close the whole beach down.
 Love my cute boys!
Aren't they cute!  I love this bunch.  We had a great day playing in the sand, enjoying each others company, and celebrating Kathryn's birthday.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He has a new goal.  This boy sure is determined and I love it.  He was determined to pass off all 13 Articles of Faith and did it.  Now he wants to read 100 hours this summer to earn the free library shirt.  I laughed when he said he wanted to do this, because he often fights me on doing his daily reading.  Oh but as soon as he said he wanted to do it he was reading more than ever and without me asking him to do so.  And we started reading a chapter book together adding to the minutes he reads every day.  I am not sure he will keep it up but then again he might surprise me and get 100 hours in. He has read 8 hours this week.

Updates on McKay -
McKay really wants to keep up with Clifton in everything and insists she can read and tries so darn hard but we are still working on the alphabet sounds.  It will be nice to work with her at her level when Clifton goes to school.

Updates on Stanley -
He is six months old!!!!  Time flies way too fast.  He is babbling and its ADORABLE! My favorite is of course when he says ma - ma.
 He might be my favorite these days!  I just can't get enough of him.
He had a hard week but by the end of the week finally started to get better.  Its been a long two and a half weeks of him struggling to breath and having coughing fits.  His inhalers are great and do its job but he still struggled.  Especially with getting him to eat.  He often has no desire to eat and we have to force him.  But he is such a happy little guy!  I worry these times were he struggles while slow his development down especially since he is already behind where my other two kids were at this age.  But I do not need to compare.  He just might be calmer than my other two and not in a huge hurry to get moving.

Alex spent the week at Camp Helaman and had a wonderful time with the great young men in our area.

Monday was a hot day so we decided to go try the wave pool at Kandle Park with some friends.
It was fun but probably a little too much for me to do alone with three kiddos.  I didn't have enough hands.  We will have to go back again with Alex.

Another simple week enjoying the little things we have going on around here.
Library fun.
Water fun with friends!

Friday night we got Alex back and the next morning we heading out to Seabrook beach.  Alex's family rented a beach house together for the weekend.
What a cute house and an adorable town.  The beach was not busy and the weather was perfect.  Not too windy and not hot.  I got to start my morning out with a beautiful beach run.  It was so nice, slowed my time down but fun.  Great way to start my day.
The water wasn't even that cold!  I would say it was a perfect day at the Beach.  Plus it wasn't crowded.  The kids had a blast playing in the sand and water.
My favorite part was playing some Peterson football.  Even though I let my team down and we lost :/ It has been a while since I have played beach football.  Next time I will bring a better game.
 We enjoyed a nice walk around the town.
 Swim in the pool and hot tub since we got cold.
Bike ride around town with my adorable nieces.  They rent out bikes for a couple hours.  What a cute idea!
Watched the sun set.
 Fire work time.  The beach really wasn't that crowded at all.  It was so nice.
It got cold so there was lots of snuggling going on.
What an amazing weekend with such a wonderful family!  We are blessed to live close enough to do these things and to have such a great family.  Love this gang!