
Monday, July 13, 2015

Mission: Fatten Up Stanley

Updates on Clifton -
This has been a tough week.  He has been testing his limits with me and wearing me out.  But hopefully this is a quick phase and it will pass soon.  He is also announcing he is bored all the time.  We have been doing less now that Stanley is somewhat on a napping schedule.  Trying to teach him to entertain himself is quite hard.  But he is filling a lot of his time with reading and getting better and better every day.  It's exciting to watch.

Updates on McKay -
She decided she wants to try out for the library annual talent show.  She says she wants to sing twinkle little star and itsy bitsy spider.  They have try out so we will see if she follows through this next week.  I think it would be great for her if she did.  We will see!

Updates on Stanley -
He had his six month check up.  Waiting for the doctor.
Still my little man 13.3 pounds and 25.5 inches tall.  I am not worried about his size especially since Clifton was small for a while too but we are worried that if he doesnt get bigger and stronger he will not be able to breathe better.  He still struggling to breath when we went in.  Nothing horrible just enough to cause concern.  He has good days and had a few this week but then we are back to raspy and coughy.  So the doctor want to fatten him up.  He is not my best eater and we often have to force him to take a bottle.  She suggested we feed him our food.  If he is reaching for it and grabbing at it then we can feed him.  She said really anything chewy he could eat/chew on.  Really anything except honey.  She suggested to start with eggs and yogurt.  So the next day I gave him eggs.
He got a rash all over his face so I didn't give him anymore.
But he has tried yogurt (and loves it), ground turkey, chicken, toast, strawberries, jello, and even Costco pizza crust.  And his appetite is up!  He is interested in food so much more and eats a lot.  So here is hoping Mission Fatten Stanley Up works and he can get his respiratory working well.
Love this guy to pieces!

Monday for FHE we meet up with the Bouck's and went on a family bike ride in Gig Harbor.
A fun trail and great company.

We had another simple week of playing.  Play group, library fun
(reptile lady there this week),  family run/walks,
movie night 
(now this is how you watch a movie),
park trips,
and an 11.5 mile bike ride with Randi (ya she kicked my butt, but it was so fun to do something new).
Enjoying the cooler weather.

Thursday was Kathryn's birthday so we spent the afternoon playing.  We drove up to Point No Point and had lunch.  Of course there was a fire right next to the shore.  Luckily they didn't close the whole beach down.
 Love my cute boys!
Aren't they cute!  I love this bunch.  We had a great day playing in the sand, enjoying each others company, and celebrating Kathryn's birthday.

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