
Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He has a new goal.  This boy sure is determined and I love it.  He was determined to pass off all 13 Articles of Faith and did it.  Now he wants to read 100 hours this summer to earn the free library shirt.  I laughed when he said he wanted to do this, because he often fights me on doing his daily reading.  Oh but as soon as he said he wanted to do it he was reading more than ever and without me asking him to do so.  And we started reading a chapter book together adding to the minutes he reads every day.  I am not sure he will keep it up but then again he might surprise me and get 100 hours in. He has read 8 hours this week.

Updates on McKay -
McKay really wants to keep up with Clifton in everything and insists she can read and tries so darn hard but we are still working on the alphabet sounds.  It will be nice to work with her at her level when Clifton goes to school.

Updates on Stanley -
He is six months old!!!!  Time flies way too fast.  He is babbling and its ADORABLE! My favorite is of course when he says ma - ma.
 He might be my favorite these days!  I just can't get enough of him.
He had a hard week but by the end of the week finally started to get better.  Its been a long two and a half weeks of him struggling to breath and having coughing fits.  His inhalers are great and do its job but he still struggled.  Especially with getting him to eat.  He often has no desire to eat and we have to force him.  But he is such a happy little guy!  I worry these times were he struggles while slow his development down especially since he is already behind where my other two kids were at this age.  But I do not need to compare.  He just might be calmer than my other two and not in a huge hurry to get moving.

Alex spent the week at Camp Helaman and had a wonderful time with the great young men in our area.

Monday was a hot day so we decided to go try the wave pool at Kandle Park with some friends.
It was fun but probably a little too much for me to do alone with three kiddos.  I didn't have enough hands.  We will have to go back again with Alex.

Another simple week enjoying the little things we have going on around here.
Library fun.
Water fun with friends!

Friday night we got Alex back and the next morning we heading out to Seabrook beach.  Alex's family rented a beach house together for the weekend.
What a cute house and an adorable town.  The beach was not busy and the weather was perfect.  Not too windy and not hot.  I got to start my morning out with a beautiful beach run.  It was so nice, slowed my time down but fun.  Great way to start my day.
The water wasn't even that cold!  I would say it was a perfect day at the Beach.  Plus it wasn't crowded.  The kids had a blast playing in the sand and water.
My favorite part was playing some Peterson football.  Even though I let my team down and we lost :/ It has been a while since I have played beach football.  Next time I will bring a better game.
 We enjoyed a nice walk around the town.
 Swim in the pool and hot tub since we got cold.
Bike ride around town with my adorable nieces.  They rent out bikes for a couple hours.  What a cute idea!
Watched the sun set.
 Fire work time.  The beach really wasn't that crowded at all.  It was so nice.
It got cold so there was lots of snuggling going on.
What an amazing weekend with such a wonderful family!  We are blessed to live close enough to do these things and to have such a great family.  Love this gang!

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