
Monday, January 4, 2016

My Baby is ONE

Updates on Clifton -
After celebrating both of his siblings birthdays he is SO ready for his birthday.  He keeps telling me his is next which is true but he does still have a few months.

Updates on McKay -
She might be stubborn but she also knows how to make me smile.  She says I love you mom about 50 times a day and usually in silly times.  Like at the meet your teacher event I was up speaking and asked if anyone had questions.  She raised her hand and said... "Mommy, I love you."  How can you be mad at that :)

Updates on Stanley -
He turned one!  He has two teeth and is still my small guy, fitting into 6-9 month old clothes perfectly.  He does not sleep through the night and hasn't once.  The transition to one nap has begun.  We love his spunky personality.  The faces he makes are fun.  He is starting to communicate with us, using the sign more and eat.  Along with pointing to things.

This week we got to have Evan to play with us for a few days.  We all loved having him around again.
 All week the kids played with the little snow that was still around.
It quickly turned into playing with ice which is almost as fun as snow :)

Monday night we discussed out goals for 2016 and the went to see Good Dinosaur.  Cute little movie, but Stanley is getting a little too wiggly to go to movies together.

Tuesday I was asked to teach a class of about 80-90 8-11years old girls.  I taught about setting goals and made a cute craft with them.
I had such a good time with the sweet and fun girls.  Felt very privileged that I was asked to teach.

Thursday my parents came to town.
We partied early with the kids.  Made brownies and then celebrated the New Year by watching a count down.
That night Alex was helping with the multi-stake NYE dance.  Thanks to my parents coming down and watching the kids I was able to join him.
It was such a fun night.  The youth in this area are taking good care of.  I never had anything like this as a youth.  We got to go ice skating, danced, played some sumo wresting and jousting (I totally took Alex down), and the men played some dodgeball against the young men.   We felt like we were youth again :)  But one thing is for sure I am old and going to bed at 2AM, having a baby who still wakes up in the night, and early risers was not easy!

The next day the older kids and I took my parents to play in Seattle.  Alex and Daddy stayed home so we could play and not worry about nap time.
Fun ferry ride eating lunch and feeding the birds our leftovers.
On our way to PSC we found the coolest new park.
We had a blast at Pacific Science Center, so much that I got a membership and can't wait to go back.
On our way home we decided we needed hot coco to warm us up, thanks to Clifton's idea.
That boy loves him some hot coco.
That night we spent playing games with Grandma and Grandpa.
My kids have such a fun Grandma :)

Saturday we had Meet Your Teacher Event at church.  So the kids could meet their teachers for the new year.  It went great.  McKay and Clifton seem excited for the new year in primary.
Afterwards we had Stanley's first birthday party.
He looked mighty handsome for his party!
We had a lot of fun playing with friends and celebrating Stanley.

He was the best cake eater/smasher I have had.
Love it!

Sunday it snowed again!
 Eating snowflakes!
Sadly it rained the next morning and all of it was gone.  But we enjoyed it while it was here.

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