
Monday, January 18, 2016

Pacific Science Center

Updates on Clifton -
He has learned how to snap and snaps away all day long.  He is quite proud of his new skill.

Updates on McKay -
She is loving play doh.  She got a ton of play doh and play doh toys for her birthday and Christmas.  She plays almost the whole time Stanley naps.

Updates on Stanley -
Finally he has more teeth poking out.  Only one of his top front teeth and one on the left of the front tooth.  So he kind of looks like a hillbilly but a cute one :)  It makes us laugh.
He has also started only taking one nap, which I am A-OK with, but the transition is real tough.

Monday we had friends come over for dinner and joined us for FHE.
Making smoothies for dessert.
For lesson we talked about the Iron Rod.  We read Lehi's dream this last week in the scriptures and the kids had lots of questions so we demonstrated the purpose of the Iron Rod.

This week was a simple week at home...
 Doing crafts with McKay.  I loved making pot holders when I was little.  I may have enjoyed this more than McKay did.
 Stanley got a gift card for his birthday to DQ so we decided to use it.
 At home date night with this handsome man, Ant Man movie.  I really enjoyed it.
Alex got to go help at the Bishop's Store House.
And trying to keep my one year old from killing himself.  He is mobile and into everything... This is my broken crock pot :(

Playing soccer indoors.

Saturday we had Alex the whole day (no meetings) so we went out to play.  I got a membership to Pacific Science Center and Alex hasn't been since he was a kid, so to Seattle we went.
Ferry ride is one of the best things about where we live!  Clifton sure loves Seattle and gets so excited every time he sees the space needle.

 This was Stanley's first time at the PSC too.  He approved!
 McKay and Clifton holding a cockroach.  Gross :/
The mirrors happened to be our favorite part of this trip.

After playing we went over to Swedish Hospital where Alex and my sweet niece, Julia was in the PICU.  We were so sad that she was there but happy to be able to visit with them for a little.  Praying hard for that sweet girl.

Sunday we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's to celebrate Dec/Jan birthdays and boy there were a lot of birthdays those months.  Two of my babies!
McKay picked cookies for her dessert and of course wanted to make them.
Chocolate chip cookies and pink snickerdoodles.
My kids sure are spoiled by Alex's wonderful family!  A great Sunday, we missed the "other" Peterson's.  But pray that Julia will be out and healthy soon.

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