
Monday, January 11, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He loves being back at school and working on his numbers.  During free time he found some subtraction and addition worksheets and worked on them.  Then brought some home so he could practice.  I love that he loves numbers and learning.  Hope he keeps this up.

Updates on McKay -
This girl loves cooking and it is rubbing off on me.  She is making me a better mom.  She always wants to cook or bake with me so I am trying to be a better cook.    And trying to make sure we have healthy options and take the time to teach her.

Updates on Stanley -
He had his one year old doctors appointment.  He is slowly growing, but growing.  He is 18 pounds even, putting him in the 6th percentile.  His height has taken a jump to 29 inches putting him in the 19th percentile. Healthy and happy.  We are still working on his asthma attacks but the doctor and I have made plans to hopefully get us through each attack.  Very blessed to have a good doctor who understands and is willing to work with us.  She did say the one concern she has is making sure he doesn't kill himself.  Because he is that mobile and crazy :).  Yep I don't make calm babies and I will take the blame on that one.  I don't like being still for long either.
McKay reading to Stanley while we wait for the doctor.

This week has been a hard week.  I was sick with a cold the first half of the week and then had an emergency root canal Wednesday.   My body hated the Vicodin  making it hard to get through the pain and to recover, but I recovered and then I got an ear infection.  Finally Saturday I was feeling almost 100%.  Thank goodness, for doctors/dentist, medicine, and my husband who willing took care of everything while I was out.

Even though it was a rough week we managed to have some fun.
Baking with McKay.  Though I learned I should not bake while taking Vicodin :)  I almost burnt the house down by placing the oven mitt in the oven.  Thankfully I noticed the smell before it got too bad.
 Just having fun around the house.
Stanley being oh so helpful while I do the dishes.
 McKay missing her brother after the long winter break together.  Yep she is holding a picture of Clifton. She let me know she misses Clifton.  Which really made me laugh because they tend to not get along, but this week they actually got along quite well.  Maybe she realized he is a good friend.
Then she realized she has a brother at home she can play with.  They sat watching birds for a while.  It was very cute!

Friday our good friends, the Whites, invited us over for the night.  
A super fun night!  I sure love my friends.

Saturday we kind of a lazy day.  We went to Costco together and then hit up the Pet Smart.  Hours of entertainment for my no pet kids.  
One day we will have a pet or two.  One day!

Then Alex and I got to go on a date and saw the new Star Wars.

Sunday was another nice day of church and spending time together as family.
I am said to say I lost almost every time.  I guess I must be the Old Maid.

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