
Monday, September 19, 2016

Preschool Starts

Updates on Clifton -
He is doing great at school but is sure struggling at home.  He has to have the last word in everything and talks back whenever he can.  It's extremely frustrating and I sure hope its a phase, especially because I know he can be a great boy but is choosing to be frustrating.

Updates on McKay -
On the other hand McKay has been great.  Very sweet and nice!  I guess I can't have them all acting good at the same time ;)

Updates on Stanley -
He is all boy and a lot of fun.  Running, dancing, talking, singing, and entertaining us all day.  Now if we can work on being still for just a little :)
Making faces!

Monday our friends came over to spend the day with us and what a fun filled day it was.
Walking the trails and playing at the play ground all morning.

That night we had our first house guest over for dinner.
It was so nice to have friends over and that they all fit in the house and we didn't feel crowded!

Tuesday McKay started preschool!
 She couldn't have been more excited.
This year we are co-oping with a friend, Atasha!
And what a fun first day it was.  It's going to be a wonderful year!

Wednesday was the start of dance again.
 I think we found her passion!  She struggles with soccer and playing hard but doesn't struggle to dance.  I am a ok with that!
Stanley, well he will be well rounded :)  That boy wants to be out dancing with the girls so bad!  Luckily the teacher lets him join in sometimes.

I also joined a gym again.  I tried without a membership but it just doesn't work out for me.  My kids don't let me push them in a stroller for long and I just don't get to sweat as hard as I would like doing it at home.  So I am trying the local gym this time.
It felt so good to be back!

That night we made some homemade pizza for dinner.
A favorite at this house.

Thursday was picture day for Clifton and he sure looked mighty handsome.
He came home and insisted I will love his picture he did the best smile ever.

After school we hit up the trails again.

Soccer is still going strong and we are still having lots of fun.
America Ninja Warrior is such a fun team.

Friday we went to our friends birthday party at the park.  And I started watching a kids friend a couple times a week.
A fun filled morning!

That night Grandma Stanley came into town.  The next morning we just had to show her our trails.  No rain was going to stop us!
We sure do love walking the trails.  Grandma made it even more fun!  Plus we saw a beaver in the pond!

Then Alex and I got to head out to the Sounders game while Grandma stayed and played with the kids.
Such a great game!  We won 1-0!  Great work Sounders.

We had a while till the next ferry came so we walked the Seattle waterfront and just talked.
It feel so nice to be with just him.  I love that guy.  Thanks mom for helping with the kids so we could escape for a little.

That night Grandma had a good idea, we should play flash light hide and seek.
I forgot I wasn't as flexible and young as I use to be and may have got stuck under the laundry room sink.

Ended the night with a bubble bath!
Silly kiddos love the jetted tub as much as I do.

Sunday we had to say goodbye to Grandma, but then we got to bake!
We love Sunday bakeday!

Other things that happened this week ... I added a sign on our reading nook wall and love it.
I lost my toe nail this week :/ and then played soccer that night.  Ya that kind of hurt.
And it is pretty gross. 

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