
Monday, September 12, 2016

School has Started

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton was very excited to start school and jumped right in.  That boy sure loves school and I am very happy about that.  Makes it easier to leave him all day.

Updates on McKay -
She is pretty jealous that Clifton gets to go to school and very excited for preschool to start next week.

Updates on Stanley -
Crazy as ever.  We just love his crazy self.

Monday was labor day and Alex had the day off.  So we labored around the house.
We got some decorations up.
Cleaning the gutters.

But of course we made some time to play.
Playing at the new Bremerton Airport park while watching helicopters and planes take off.

We ended the night with smore's!
Such a fun night!  We love our back yard.
We even had some visitors while we ate our smore's.  WHAAAAAAT!!!!!?!

Tuesday was the last day of summer and the kids requested we go swimming.
So to the Y we went.  Love this crazy gang!

That night Clifton got to meet his teacher for the year.
Mrs. Johnson.  Looks like it will be another great year.

Soccer is still going strong and we are having fun.
 McKay loves practice but struggles with the game.  She complains of being too tired.  But we offered her ice cream if she scored a goal.  Literally the next thing she did was run full speed, take the ball and dribble it to score then came back said I get ice cream now and sat in the middle of the field.  Just shows she could play if she wants to.  Not sure we will sign her up next year :)  Silly girl!
Clifton is still loving every second of it and I am loving our team.

Wednesday Clifton started 1st Grade!
Off he goes!  Sure love that boy.

We were a little sad he left so we had to go play to cheer up. And the hobbit house helped cheer us up.
Fun morning with just these two.
The rest of the week was fun hanging out with these two while Clifton was at school.

Friday Alex got home from work early so I took the opportunity to go on a date with this stud muffin.
He has been begging to go to the golfing range ever since we moved here.

Saturday was more work around the house.
I really do enjoy working hard on our house and being able to use fun tools!
We also enjoyed a nice run to the park.

Saturday and Sunday we had a special stake conference with President Nelson.  It was wonderful!
After wards we came home and made a new recipe of cookies for Sunday Bakeday.
They didn't disappoint!

We also went on a Sunday walk through our trails.  Where we spotted black bear poop in our back yard!!!!!!
Not going to lie that kind of freaks me out.  Hopefully they keep their distance! And don't scare my deer friends away.
We love our neighborhood trials!  Love them!

We are enjoying our house so much and feel crazy blessed to live in such a beautiful place.
 Watching bunnies in our backyard.
My view from our bedroom deck.  Can't be mad about that ;)

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