
Monday, November 14, 2016

Beautiful November

Updates on Clifton -
Man he sure is giving me a run for my money.  Testing me and I am pretty he is winning.  He loves to talk back and fight me on everything.  He is difficult at church.  And his attitude is that he is too cool for school.  Now his teacher at school says he is an angel but as soon as he gets home I get a different side of him.  I am pretty sure this is to help me learn to have patience and to learn to think before I react.

Updates on McKay -
Still my sassy but sweet girl.  She loves that her birthday is coming up and is sure Walmart is doing a count down to her birthday.
I love that she loves her birthday being on Christmas!

Updates on Stanley -
Gets us all laughing with his silliness.  He sure is always keeping us busy and laughing.  We love it!

Monday for FHE we had some friends over for dinner and we made our Thanksgiving Tree.
Then we tried a science experiment to break a pumpkin in half with rubber bands.
I didn't buy enough rubber bands so we had to add a little extra force to get it to work, but still fun.

Tuesday was a fun preschool day with a couple extra friends.

Wednesday I had a doctors appointment and Alex was nice enough to meet me in Silverdale and play with the kids while I was at my appointment.  Before he went back to work I made sure to get him to ride one of the stuffed animals at the mall.
Alex wasn't thrilled about it but he loves the girls in his life and will do anything for us.

Then I was able to go help in Clifton's classroom where they were doing science.
He was all about his project.  I love being in the classroom!

This week has been such a beautiful and warmer week.  So we spent a lot of time outside.
Racing down our hill.
Lots of walks and playground visits.
And just enjoying the beauty!
I love all the animals that are by me.  I sometimes feel like a Disney princess in my little cottage when I get all these animal visitors.
My view from our windows makes me so happy!

Clifton brought home a cake baking book from school and really wanted to make one.  So I let him choose one.
He choose a fish.  I am pretty sure we failed but the kids thought it was awesome and tasted yummy ;)  I am not a baker!
This sometimes happens when you bake with a toddler.  Silly boy!

Thursday night we went to our friends basketball game.  Clifton just signed up for basketball and is very excited but nervous about it.  So we thought it would be fun to cheer on our friend.
I am pretty sure he thought he was apart of the team.  Basketball will be fun!

Friday was Veterans day and Clifton had the day off from school.  We started the morning off right with putting flags on for the Veteran's at a cemetery in Port orchard.
It was a lot of fun and a wonderful thing to do with my kiddos.

Then we headed to the zoo.
It was such a fun day.  I love playing with my kiddos!

Saturday was a crazy busy day.  We started out with the primary program practice.
It's my kids favorite Saturday, haha.  But it did go really well.

Then we had two baby showers.
Silly girl.

And ended the day with a goodbye/birthday party for our friends.  It was a swimming party and I even got Alex in the water.  Such a fun party and with wonderful people.  We are sure going to miss the Gelsinon's.
I couldn't get Alex in the picture, but he was there!

Sunday was the big day, Primary Program!
It seemed to go well.  Another one under our belts.  Love Primary Program Sunday's and those primary kiddos!

Grandma and Grandpa Peterson came up to watch the program and had dinner with us.  We got Grandma to participate in Sunday Bakeday.  I found Hello Kitty cookie mix.
McKay was in heaven!
They turned out pretty cute!

Random picture from this week...
My new bruise on my calf.  Yep its from a soccer ball, can you see the imprint?  My favorite bruise ever.

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