
Monday, November 7, 2016

Halloween and I'm 30!

Updates on Clifton -
Came running in after school Monday to announce he had won his school coloring contest.  They have a winner for each class.  He was ecstatic!

Updates on McKay -
Has informed me after my birthday, that it's now her birthday next and we need to start planning!  And every day has a new gift idea to get her.

Updates on Stanley -
Talks so much!  He repeats anything we say and is saying full sentences.  I LOVE it!

Monday was Halloween! We went trick our treating to our neighbors and a few friends in our neighborhood.
Glad we got decent weather!
Then we went to a friends house for dinner and games.
This was one of my favorite Halloweens!  

This week I decided I was done doing the kids laundry for them and put them to work.
I was surprised how willing they were.  

Tuesday preschool fun

That night our deer friends came to visit and we had a lot of apples that the kids picked that were not very good so we fed them.
Oh how I love our deer family.  They make us all so happy.  Stanley would squeal every time he threw the apple and the deer ate it.  
Then we got the leaf blower out again :)

Wednesday dance class.  I need to sign Stanley up for dance.
I am grateful for a wonderful teacher that allows Stanley to join in from time to time.

That night the kids and I headed to Disney on Ice.  I won tickets and couldn't be more excited.
Alex couldn't join us.
Seriously one of my favorite nights.  We all had a blast.  I was worried Stanley would try and run around all night but he was so interested in the show and popcorn.  

Thursday was my birthday.  I pulled Clifton out of school (it was only half day) and canceled McKay's preschool to go have fun.  Alex couldn't get off to join us though but he left me a cute note.
 It was such a beautiful day so we hit up one of my favorite places, Seattle.  A nice man paid for my parking spot in Bremerton which made my day even better.
 Gum Wall!
 Pikes Place.
Ferris wheel ride.
And on the ferry ride we got to see an aircraft carrier come in.  

That night my parents came into town and we all went out to my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden.
It was such a wonderful birthday.  I got so many calls, text, messages, and even some friends who dropped by gifts.
I got movie tickets, Sounders t-shirt, and candy canes.  My friends know me very well!

The next day we had great weather again so we went out exploring with Grandma and Grandpa Stanley.
We found a gigantic mushroom while exploring!  Not the best picture, Stanley was trying his hardest to squish it.

The next day Alex had planned a birthday party for me, a Nerf War!
I seriously have the best friends in the whole world.  Willing to come act like kids again and shoot at each other all night.  Loved every minute of it!
The Stanley's came up all the way from Portland just for the party.  Love those guys.  I am one lucky lady to have them.
A huge shout out to Alex for putting together such a fun and me kind of party.  Love him to pieces!
Might be the best birthday thus far.

Sunday was daylight savings which means we got... a LONG Sunday.
Early, early morning for us.  I vote for no day light savings!

Random pictures...
Cool cousins were here which means they have the cool apps like snapchat.
McKay love this filter and she's pretty darn cute too.

Alex replaced our shower door.
I never knew I could love a shower door so much.  Yay to getting things done!

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