
Monday, December 12, 2016

Let It Snow!

Updates on Clifton -
Loves playing basketball.  Tries his darnedest and it's pretty cute to watch.

Updates on McKay -
Asked to start a notebook between her and I.  She draws me pictures and then I do, since she can't quite write/spell.  Sad I didn't think of it, but glad she asked and we are doing it.

Updates on Stanley -
It has been a tough week with him.  He is giving me a run for my money and keeping me on my toes, but he sure is cute and we just love him.

Monday morning we woke up with snow!!!!
 But sadly it was gone in a few hours, but we were out bright and early playing in it while it lasted.
It sure was beautiful while it lasted.  I love my backyard especially covered in snow.

That night for FHE and our light the world activity we went through our toys and decided what we could part with and donate.
Possibly my favorite tradition.  They always surprise me with what they are willing to give away.

The rest of the weeks light your world service were...
 Decorate a friends door.
 Hand out Christmas cupcakes at a store.
 Or if you are Stanley, eat cupcakes.
 Call loved ones just to say we love them.
 Leaving a note and money on random peoples cars.
 Candy cane attack a friend.
Put together a Christmas package for loved ones that live far way.

Wednesday was Clifton's first basketball game.
Clifton loves his friends on his team.
The Whites came to cheer him on and it meant the world to him.  We sure are lucky to be able to call them our friends.  I am glad Clifton has such a great young man to look up to.
He played well and sure tried hard.

Most of the week it was frozen and we went out exploring a lot.
 The kids loved to eat the ice.  And McKay insist that this is where the ice cubes come from.
Our frozen pond looked pretty cool.

Thursday we were expecting snow.  We were very impatient but tried to keep busy while we waited.
So we made our gingerbread train.

Then it finally started snowing, sadly after the kids were already sleeping.
But that didn't stop me, out I went to play.  And I prayed so hard it would still be around for the kids in the morning
And it was!  School was canceled and Alex work had a late start.  So out we went!
Our snowman family!

Then we busted out our sled!

We went out three different times that day to play and get in as much snow time as possible.
 Nice hike in the snow with the older kiddos.
Our giant snowman. 

Then sledding some more, but this time mom and dad showed the kids how it's done.

We had such a fun day!  
And the most beautiful day!

Saturday McKay and I had a girls day.  A stop by a baby shower, and then to Bellevue to watch her cousin dance in the Nutcracker.
Love my girl!

That night we had friends over to watch the big Sounders Game.
And it was a big game!  WE WON THE MLS CUP!!!!!  Great night.

Fun videos of my two cute and naughty little ones.
Treasure sure fits into our crazy family.  
This two.. if there is giggling there is usually trouble!

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