
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
Got an award at school, for being a STAR student.  He was acknowledge for excelling in academics.  We are so proud of him and his love for learning.

Updates on McKay -
So excited for her birthday.  I just love that it doesn't bug her that she was born on Christmas.  In fact we had a conversation about her birthday that had me laughing.  We were talking about Christmas and I asked what Christmas is really about.  She said "Jesus and ME!" That girl :)

Updates on Stanley -
He is obsessed with "shows" (tv).  He ask to watch all day everyday, in the car, out and about, etc... Man it is hard to not just turn the tv on all day :)

Monday for FHE and our light the world activity we went caroling at the Life Care Center with friends.
And had a wonderful night!  We love this tradition.

Then we headed over to a cute house in Port Orchard that goes all out for Christmas to check out their lights.
Such a fun night!

Tuesday and Wednesday we had more basketball.
He explained to me that he likes basketball more than soccer.  I am really enjoying watching him play and improve.

We kept busy with more light the world service this week.  Tuesday we left the garbage man a treat.
We tried to watch to for him to make sure he didn't throw it away but had to leave so we are hoping he saw it.
Wednesday we tried to ding dong ditch a gift for a friend,
but we got caught!
Thursday we handed out free hot coco and cookies in our neighborhood.
Might be my new favorite tradition.  It was a lot of fun!
Friday we went to get a treat in a drive thru and paid for the people behind us.
Not sure my kids really got this one, but it got my heart a pumping and thought it was fun.
Saturday we got to lay wreaths at Veterans cemetery.
Very very very cold morning for Washington but my kids hung in there and I thought it was a great way to explain that sometimes we do hard things for people.  Another new tradition to add to my list!
Sunday we made cookies and took them to the local fire station.
And they showed us around the station.  Love this tradition.  Next year I think I will up my game and make dinner for them.  They are such sweet and wonderful people!  I really have a place in my heart for them because they helped take Stanley to the hospital when he wasn't breathing.

Other fun we have had this week...
McKay and I got to join Clifton in his school jingle bell run.  The whole school ran the distance to the north pole.  Super cute activity!
Watching some handsome boys at their Christmas concert!
Preschool shenanigans.  Girls playing in McKay's room and I walked in on them putting chapstick all over their faces because they were sure that's what you are supposed to do.
Making snowflakes!

Sunday the kids got to open their Christmas pj's and movies.
Family jammies, love it!
Cuddles while watching one of their new movies.

Fun/silly things from the week...
Stanley trying to sneak Treasure a cookie.
Making tons of toffee for the first time together.
Trying to wrap presents, she is so helpful!
Stanley washing Clifton for me
Clifton's Christmas card to me.  Take that other mom's of Clifton :)
These two are so cute!  Treasure might get more cuddles than me.

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