
Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2016 and McKay is 5!

Updates on Clifton -
Is really into reading the Book of Mormon by himself.  We have been working on it all year long as a family and are almost finished but he took it upon himself to start over and read it by himself.  He wakes up bright and early and reads for almost an hour.  I couldn't be more proud.

Updates on McKay -
She turned 5!  She woke up and asked if she can now go to school with Clifton cause she is five.  I had to sadly let her know she still has a while.

Updates on Stanley -
He is my announcer.  He loves to tell everyone breakfast, lunch, and dinner is ready.  I will tell him to tell everyone else and he will run through the house yelling "dinner ready!"

Monday we woke up to snow!!!
 He lives again!
My backyard in the snow just blows me away!  Best way to wake up.  Clifton had a late start so we got to play for a little while before he had to leave.

Then we had friends come over and take a walk through the trails in the winter wonderland.
A fun walk with friends!  I sure do love where we live and being surrounded by so much beauty.  And we have been so lucky to have snow a couple times already!

We stayed busy this week with more light the world service.
They choose how much money from their piggy banks they wanted to donate to the Salvation Army.
 Put together packets to hand out to the homeless.  However after much searching we didn't find anyone.  But we did find some out the next day and handed them out all week till they were gone.
 Delivering food from the food bank.
 Delivered flowers and a treat to a dear friend who had recently lost a loved one.
 We traveled down to Portland so we decided to give free hugs to all.
On our way home from Portland we decided to stop at a rest stop and hand out cookies.

We had a lot of fun this week playing with friends.
Making gingerbread houses with friends.

We got to go watch Clifton's perform with his choir in his holiday assembly.
So cute!

McKay had her birthday party.  This year she wanted a baking party.  I had a lot of fun planning it.  Each kid made their own pizza, rolled the dough flat and put on toppings.  Then made cupcakes (well mixed some ingredients together and we pulled out already baked cupcakes).
It was crazy, but crazy fun.  She is blessed with great friends!

Friday we headed down to Portland for Christmas with the Stanley's.
 Girls wearing their dress up outfits Grandma got them.

Playing Tenzi with a consequence for the loser (eat some baby formula, drink ham fat, lick the chalk board, eat a spoon full of butter, and lick some instant potatoes before cooked).  Stanley's know how to party :)
Having fun after the kids go to bed with Justin and Mechelle.

Saturday we all went to Chuck E Cheese for McKay's birthday.
These two :)

Then we decided to make a new tradition.  Instead of rushing to open presents Christmas morning before going to the Peterson's we decided to open them Saturday night.
It gave us lot more time to play with what they got.

Christmas and McKay's birthday!
Happy 5th to this cutie.  That Christmas 5 years ago will always be the best Christmas.  Best present ever.
We got all dressed up and went to Alex's sisters ward and were able to listen to his niece sing.

Then to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's.
Listening to Grandpa read The Selfish Giant.
Opening more presents.
Playing with cousins.  Cousins are the best!

A wonderful Christmas!

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