
Monday, January 2, 2017


Updates on Clifton -
Is my hard child right now and sure making me feel lost in this motherhood business.

Updates on McKay -
Is such a diva and its pretty cute.  She puts on the cutest outfits everyday, layers on pink and sparkles.  She pretty much wears a tutu everyday.

Updates on Stanley -
He loves his Treasure... and Treasure tolerates it :)
We tried potty training.  He went potty on the toilet! But after a few days of staying at home and working on it, he was refusing to and it felt like we were just catching him.
I have never given up before but we gave up and will try again in a few months.

Alex had all week off so we enjoyed  a lot of family time and mostly at home while potty training.  Clifton got walkie talkies for Christmas and I actually love it.  The kids play well together when they use them.
 And when they want to explore I feel a lot more comfortable letting them do so if he keeps a walkie talkie with him and one with me, so I can check in.
Yay for exploring.  There first adventure without Mom!

McKay and I worked on some crafts she got for Christmas.

Alex got a new car this week.  His other car is old and has had lots of issues.  So we decided two car payments are worth his safety and having a reliable car.
We feel very blessed.

Wednesday we meet family in Tacoma to do December birthdays.
Cousins, got to love them!

We had our friends over to have on last hurrah with them.  Sure going to miss them and hope they come visit!
We love the Gelsinon's!

Alex (and Stanley) worked on our bathroom floors and got one bathroom done.  Yay it looks so much better with no more pink floors and countertops.
Love it!  I should have taken before and after pictures.

We finished reading the Book of Mormon together and did it before the year ended. 

 It feels so good to accomplish goals as a family!

We did get out a little this week.  When Stanley was sleeping Alex stayed home and the older kids and their friends went on a hike.
It was a much needed adventure.

Then we went bowling as a family.
Which was a ton of fun.

Friday Grandma Stanley came into town.  So we got out and played.
It was cold but very fun night.  It was also very busy, we had to take a shuttle there from a different parking lot.
The shuttle was a school bus and I think that made Stanley's day more than the zoo lights.  

New Years Eve we spent celebrating with Grandma.  
 We made cookies, 2017 snickerdoodles!
 Watched the count down for London and celebrated early with the kids.  Then they turned on a movie and had pizza while Alex and I went to chaperone the youth dance.

Alex was the DJ (DJ Pete) this year and did a great job.
Isn't he cute!
We of course had fun too acting like we were youth again.

I wanted to win so bad :/

The New Year we were greeted with beautiful white snow!
Every year should start white!

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