
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Stanley is 2!

Updates on Clifton -
He had a better week and it may just be that school started again.  He was happy to be back at school.

Updates on McKay -
This girl just cracks me up.  She loves to wear a hat and sun glasses all day and would wear them to bed if I didn't put my foot down.
She is just adorable and so not afraid to be who she wants to be.

Updates on Stanley -
He is TWO!!!!  He is just the craziest kiddo I know but we love it.  Tired, but love it.  He is talking like crazy, running around, wanting to play every sport in the book, dances all day long, and keeps us on our toes.

Monday we had a birthday party for Stanley with some friends.  He loved the cupcakes ;)
Yes he climbed up on the table when no one was looking and stole another cupcake.
 Look at that intensity.
What a fun day celebrating our little man.

Tuesday we went to Chuck E Cheese for Stanley's actual birthday.  We picked Evan up to join in the fun since school had not started back up yet.
 Seriously though she might have some anger issues.
Such a great morning!

Wednesday was the last day before Clifton went back to school again, so we had to have one last hurrah.  To Seattle we went.  Pacific Science Center!
I love playing with my kiddos.  It was a wonderful day!

Thursday started sickness in our house :(
But luckily medicine made things better.
So I got my workout in at home with the cutest workout partners.

The next day we were still stuck at home with fevers but got outside to check out our frozen (very, very shallow) pond.
 It's cold,  but sure can be cool.

Saturday Stanley was still sick and getting worse so another day at home and I needed to keep them entertained while Alex laid flooring in our bathroom.  So we busted out some science experiments.
It was messy but awesome!

When I got Stanley down for a nap I got to help Alex with the flooring.  I know I am weird for thinking this stuff is fun.
The floors turned out great.

When Stanley woke up he was worse than ever.  He was struggling to breathe and even his fingers and toes where turning purple.  So we got him a priesthood blessing and tried to make a decision whether we should take him in.  Thankfully after the blessing he started to breathe better!
Clifton is such a sweet brother to cuddle with Stanley when he was feeling horrible.

Sunday Stanley stayed home from church but was feeling a lot better.  After church we decided to try baking some rolls, and make it in a bag.  Sunday bake day!

More pictures from the week...
 Treasure often gets up in Stanley's high chair while I make food.  It makes us all laugh!
Stanley trying to give Treasure a bath :)

The new year brought on new goals for me and my biggest one is waking up before the kids wake up everyday and reading my scriptures and having quiet time.  Oh boy Satan is testing me with the sickness that has hit the first week I do this, but I stuck to my guns and it really starts my day out better and calmer.  It has made a huge difference already.
Even Clifton has noticed the change and wants to jump on board, since he is my first riser.

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