
Monday, January 30, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
This week Clifton was Star of the Week for his class.
He wouldn't let me help with his poster so it has some interesting answers.  Like what makes you laugh.  His answer was nothing.  I beg to differ!  And apparently he wants to be a police officer now, that's new to me!

Updates on McKay -
Asks if it is summer yet, almost everyday.  I feel ya McKay!

Updates on Stanley -
Keeping us on our toes at all times :)

Monday McKay taught FHE.  She said she wanted to talk about Heavenly Father and how he loves us.  So I helped her write up a talk and she listed ways she knows her Heavenly Father loves her.  She answered flowers, her body, water/rain, food, animals, the Earth, and her friends.
 Then she had everyone draw a heart and in the middle put things that help them remember Heavenly Father love them.
She did a great job and was so excited to teach.

What a fun and busy week...
Play dates and preschool.

Clifton's basketball season ended this week.  What a great season and a great way to start basketball.  He had an awesome coach who got her team all trophies for being the best teammates.  The kids were over the moon about the trophies and are pretty sure they won the "world championship" as Clifton says.  He also had such wonderful friends and teammates.  He sure is blessed with great friends.
Then to Bluberreis to celebrate the season!

 Making music.

Movie night, Pete's Dragon.  It was a pretty cute movie.

The sun even made some appearances this week.
Which made us all very happy and more productive.

The sun was shinning it got me motivated to put up the trampoline a friend gave us.
The kids couldn't be happier about it.  Sadly we need to get a new pad and net but I let them play as long as I was on it with them.
Family trampoline fun!

Friday was crazy hair day at Clifton's school.  All my crazies wanted to join in.  Yay for hair chalk.
 I got to go help in Clifton's class that morning...
and seemed to fit right in with the crazy hair since I rolled out of bed and went ;)

Saturday we got some much needed cleaning done.  Cleaned out all the cars and took them to the car wash.
Stanley did not approve.

Sunday we put together puppet shows.

Stanley was all about it and kept trying to run up and tell everyone it was his turn.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Scored his first basket this week!!!  He was so so so excited, as was I.

Updates on McKay -
Has found a new obsession... having her nails painted.  And painting Mom's nails.
These two usually fight but sometimes they like each other and have these rare moments.  Clifton offers to blow dry her nails every time.  I'll take what I can get!

Updates on Stanley -
He says some of the cutest things.  Whenever I sigh, or say oh no, or scream Stanley will run up to me and say "what happened?" Seriously so cute.  If someone sneezes he will always say "bless you."   He also has learned to lie.  He will say "McKay pushed me" even when she is no where near him.  Or "Treasure bite me" even when we are in the car.  Silly boy!

Monday was MLK day so Clifton didn't have school.  I asked the kids what they would like to do and they wanted to go swimming.
It was such a fun morning swimming.

For FHE Clifton was in charge of lesson for the first time.
He picked the topic and wrote a short talk about it.  Then I helped him with a fun demonstration of the Holy Ghost.  He did so well and enjoyed being in charge.  So glad we decided to have the kids start doing the lessons too.  May be more work for me but totally worth it.

Our week was full of friends and fun.
Preschool with extra friends!  Such a fun bunch.

Stanley made sure to give lots of kisses.  Baby love!

Forts and cookies

School movie night.
They played Storks, and I was surprised to like it.  It was a pretty cute movie.

The temperatures have finally started to rise and the sun is shining a little bit more, so we got out.
I am so happy we are getting closer to spring and for more sunshine and daylight.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
For one of our family goals this year we decided Clifton and McKay can help with FHE.  Clifton's assignment was to find a scripture to share.  He decided all by himself he wanted to share D&C 20:11, because it lets him know that the scriptures are true.

Updates on McKay -
McKay has really gotten into coloring, she will spend hours upon hours coloring and I love it.  She is doing very well at staying with the lines and drawing.

Updates on Stanley -
Keeping us busy.  And cute as can be.  It's a good thing he is as cute as a button because he is a trouble maker.
Seriously how can one be so cute!?!?
Sneaking Treasure his breakfast.
My little monster!
Working on his letters, I just love this kiddo!

Monday Aunt Rebecca and Cousin Julia came up to visit one last time before they move to Arizona.
They even stayed to watch Clifton's basketball game!  A good day, we sure are going to miss them.

The rest of the week was full of the everyday fun.  It feels good to be back to the hustle.

 Dance class.  McKay begged to wear the dress Grandma got her for Christmas.  I don't love the dress but decided to let her wear it anyway.  She was one happy girl!
Stanley was excited dance started back up again!

I had a hard time getting to the gym this week, but I wasn't going to let that stop me.
Working out with the kiddos.  It may not be as good as getting to the gym but it definitely more entertaining.

Cold walk!
Very very cold, we didn't last very long!

We braved the cold again for a little with friends to play basketball.
We love our friends!

McKay and I doing nails.
And Clifton being the nice brother he sometimes can be and helping McKay blow dry her freshly painted toe nails.

Friday Alex had the day off so I got to go help in Clifton's class.
His teacher let me teach the science lesson, glitter germs.

That night we got to sneak away and go on a date.
Rogue One was pretty good.

Saturday we had a free day all together so we went out roller skating.  McKay insisted her goal for 2017 is to learn how to roller skate.
Funny thing is she gave up first :)  Still a fun morning out together.

Sunday bakeday.
I love this tradition and I love that we give them away so I don't get fat cause boy do I like cookies :)
Oh and cuddle day.  Sundays are made for cuddling!