
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

10 years

Updates on Clifton -
We had a dentist visit and the dentist thinks we should wait it out and see if the teeth fall out on their own.  Which Clifton is on board with, he is quite scared to have them pull them.  So hopefully it doesn't get to that.

Updates on McKay -
Same sassy girl as always!

Updates on Stanley -
As crazy and active as usual.

We had a lot of fun this week playing together and with friends.
 Preschool fun with friends!

Doing science experiments...
And then accidentally dropping them :/

 Discovery Village with friends!

Getting outside whenever we can.
Making sad faces to make Stanley smile :)
 Works every time!
 Rainy walk with the boys.
 Bubble karate.
The deer ate the plants I had planted and it made me very sad, but then I discovered all the beautiful flowers that are popping up on their own in our yard.
 We got a couple days that ended like this so it was a good week.  Ready for more days like this so if summer could just hurry up.

Thursday was Alex and my 10 year anniversary!  I put together this little slide show for him.  I promised I would sing him this song at our wedding reception but chickened out.  I thought it would be fun to make up for it ten years later and sing it from the roof tops (aka Facebook).
I sure love this man and have had the best 10 years!
Although we went to Hawaii for our celebration Alex made sure we still went to dinner and i got flowers.
I am one lucky lady!

Friday I headed to Washington State PTA Convention.  Yep I am going to be Sunnyslope's PTA president next year!  So nervous and excited.  I am lucky to have great ladies not the board with me.
I was very nervous for this convention but anxious to get some direction and guidance for this new adventure.
 PTA noobs!
Sporting our school pride!
Testing out photography companies and just being silly.

If you are wondering what someone does at a PTA conference well...
they dance of course!

Saturday night I meet the kids and Alex in Tacoma to go to the Rainer's game.
Very rainy and cold but so much fun.  Stanley sat the whole time, say what!  Maybe we should go to more baseball games.

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