
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Finally has a loose tooth!

Updates on McKay -
Is loving to read lately.

Updates on Stanley -
Favorite thing is bouncy balls.  If he has one he is a happy boy.  I begs to sleep with one every time he lays down but we have to talk him out of it because we let him once and he was up all night playing till we took it away.

After preschool this week we went to Mile High Gymnastics during the free play because the rain has been killing us and we needed to wiggle a little.
 Silly monkeys!
 Stanley was in heaven with all the climbing, running and jumping.
Such a fun morning.  I sure am blessed to have great friends willing to play with me and the kiddos.

Wednesday we had sunshine!!!  And my motivation came along with it.
 Pulling weeds apparently requires wearing a helmet.
 Broke my shovel with trying to clear out under our decks.
After.  I am amazed by how much better it looks.  Now it needs gravel, lawn chairs, and patio lights.
It went all fine and dandy till I dropped some lumber on my leg.

It was such a beautiful day (the best one so far this year) we had a picnic at the bay.
 We found an eel!
We spent the night searching under rocks for creatures.  The tide was out so we found a lot.  Oh sunshine I love you!

Thursday we had a preschool field trip to Kids Discovery Museum on Bainbridge Island and had a picnic.
We love our preschool friends so much.

Thursday was also May the 4th be with you.  So McKay and I had matching Star Wars hair.
Love that girl!

That night we got hit with a crazy thunder and lighting storm.
At about 3:30 in the afternoon it went from beautiful sunny skies to darkness.

Friday Clifton's friend had a birthday party at the skating rink.  The rented the whole place out.
With a lot less kids skating our kids felt more comfortable to skate and we had no melt downs.  It was a great night.

Saturday soccer morning watching Clifton's game.
He loves playing goalie but also gets so upset when he can't stop all the goals.  But not today.  He played goalie half of the time and stopped "EVERY BALL!" as he shouted at the end of the game.

Then Alex and I went to the Sounders game with friends.  First one this year and hopefully not the last.
Felt so great to be back and with friends.  Now if only we could have pulled out a win.

That night we spent outside enjoying the sun.
A nice family walk to the park and played frisbee.

Sunday was another beautiful day so after church and nap time we went for a family walk, exploring different trails in our neighborhood.
Fun outing with these cuties!

Then we came home and did Sunday bakeday.
A great week and we got a little more sunshine.  Yep we are ready for summer!

Fun things from the week...
I got a pedometer and the kids are so funny trying to beat me on steps everyday.  Surprisingly they have yet to beat me.  Stanley has gotten the closes:)

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