
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Color Run 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Loving the soccer clinic and sad that it came to an end.  And his Saturday soccer is taking a break this summer as well so he is going to be missing his soccer.

Updates on McKay -
Says the silliest things and keeps us giggling!  And has sweet dance moves, she is my dancing partner.

Updates on Stanley -
Lots and lots of time outs for this boy lately.  Hitting, screaming, throwing things, being a 2 year old for sure.

Monday was another full day of soccer.  Pee Wee in the morning and Soccer Clinic that night.
Clifton got the MVP cup that night and was over the moon abut it!

Tuesday Stanley busted his lip open playing on the trampoline.  He accidentally bumped McKay's head with his mouth.
Blood was everywhere!  Clifton was out there with him and he yelled to let me know and though it wasn't funny at the moment.  Looking back it is kind of funny.  He yelled, "blood, there is blood and lots of it.  And he has no teeth!"  No worries his teeth are fine the blood covered them up so he thought they fell out.  We called the doctors and they said there is no reason to bring him in it should recover on it's own.

Although his was in pain we took the opportunity if a night together.  Alex's meeting got changed to another day so we had a night together.
 Alex is pretty serious about his s'mores.
The crackers and chocolate hurt his mouth but the marshmallows was soft enough so he was a happy guy.

Wednesday was the last day of Pee Wee Soccer.
Such a fun group of kiddos and season.

And that night was the last night of the Soccer Clinic.
And Clifton's team won the tournament!  Another great group of kids.

The next day Stanley's lip was pretty fat.
Poor guy!

Daddy had a meeting and the rain was coming down so we decided to do some face painting for fun.
Silly kids!

Friday I got to help at Clifton's school during field day.
More face painting fun for us.

Then after field day we set up for the school luau that night.
I had so much fun dancing the night away with my kiddos.

She's got some sweet moves and ain't afraid to dance.  I LOVE it!

Saturday was our annual Sinclair View Color Run.
After.  So much fun!
Such a great group of friends to run with.  We love our friends!

After a much needed shower I meet up with Randi and we shoveled 5 yards of gravel for the Lil Saints Soccer shed to be built on.
 There is a big hill we didn't really want to go up and down so we made a ramp.  Ya it did really work but it was a great idea and we are pretty proud of our contraption any who.
FYI - 5 yards of gravel is about 10,000 pounds.  Yep we were sore afterwards.

Then the kids and I jumped on the car and headed to Tacoma to meet up with Alex's family for a fathers day picnic.
Nobody expected rain:( but we were still happy to get together.  Stanley was excited about that cupcake :).

Sunday was Father's day.  And we got the best father around!
We all just love Daddy.  He is so much fun, hard working, handsome, smart and so much more!

Sunday bakeday...
We tried making healthy cookies out of banana, honey, oats, whole wheat flour, and chocolate chips, but we didn't really like them.  Darn, why can't there be a yummy healthy treat.  We are on a mission to find some.

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