
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Dirty Dash 2017

Updates on Clifton -
He lost another tooth!

Updates on McKay -
She is soooo into reading and I just love it.  I hope it continues!

Updates on Stanley -
Loves super heroes and insists he is Superman.  It is cute.

Monday night for FHE we went to see Cars 3.
Cute movie.

Wednesday was the last day of school!
We celebrated with friends.  We had  picnic at the park, popsicles, water balloons, crab hunting, and lots of fun in the sun!  Yay for summer fun!

That night Alex and I got to sneak away to a Sounders game, it was his Fathers day gift.
And we ran into his sister and brother in law!  The game was all good until the literal last second the other team tied to score... but I guess a tie is better than a loss.

Thursday was the first day of no school... and they all still woke up way too early and jumped in my bed.
One day they will appreciate sleep.

It was a wonderful day full of just being together.  More popsicles, lots of playing on the trampoline
 And doing chores.
Cleaning dad's car!  A wonderful simple kind of day.

Friday we got to meet up with our friends who moved to Idaho who came to visit Washington.  We love the Neilson's!
We ventured on the foot ferry to the Bremerton waterfront park.  We sure miss our fun adventures with them and glad we got to play again.

Saturday was the Dirty Dash.  This is our 5th year and all the kiddos are old enough to join us!
It was just Alex and I for the 5k but we had a blast!

Then we all got ready for the kids dash.
 Team Peterson ready to get dirty together.
 Matching bandanas.
Grandma and cousin Tallyn came up to join in on the kids dash.  Yep my kids have a pretty cool Grandma!
And we got pretty dirty!  I love this race and love that we do it as a family each year.  It may start with tears and "I can't do it", but it always ends with smiles and "I did it!"

And we ran into our friends.

That night Port Orchard was having their parade.  The kids and I didn't want to miss out.
It was hot out so we had to get slurpees.  It was Stanley's first and he approved!
I swear I washed him after the Dirty Dash, but candy and slurpees at the parade got him pretty dirty again.  BOYS!

Sunday McKay started to feel sick at church.  So she came home and crashed.  I saw Stanley go into the room so I ran in to get him thinking he was probably jumping on her or doing something to bug her, but instead found him kissing her cheek and giving hugs.
He can be sweet sometimes!

Once McKay got a nap and tylenol she was feeling fine.  So we went to explore more trails in our neighborhood and found our new favorite trail.
 There were so many toads and tadpoles out it was fun to watch them.

Sunday bakeday (ok no bake day it was too hot).
 Then we came home and did some face painting.  And summer buzz cuts.
My bald cuties!

Fun things from the week...
 Our baby deer friends visited us a coupe times this week again.
 We got our neighborhood magazine in the mail with us on the cover!  Feeling pretty famous.  Boy do I love McCormick Woods.
Treasure cleaning Clifton up.

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