
Monday, June 5, 2017

Memorial Day

Updates on Clifton -
Finally lost his first tooth.  It has been hardly hanging on for a while now.  And this mean mom doesn't care for the tooth fairy.  He asked me if the tooth fairy was real.  I said well what do you think.  He said no I don't think it's real.  So I said yep you're right.  He still wanted me to sneak in and leave him a quarter.  So I did do that!

Updates on McKay -
Is getting really good with numbers.  She loves for me to ask her to add two numbers together.

Updates on Stanley -
He has two molars on the bottom coming in and sure is grumpy and not sleeping well.

Monday was Memorial Day.  We took advantage of the day off and spent all day playing.  First we went to the Veteran's Cemetery.  Last year we put flags out and loved doing it.  So we made it a tradition and went again.
Such a great way to start the holiday.

Then a trip to the zoo with friends.
So much fun.  The polar bears were out wrestling and it was amazing.  They are huge!

Then to another friends house for lunch on their dock.
Such a beautiful place to live.  And so much fun playing in the water.

Squeezed in a short nap for Stanley and headed over to a park to celebrate our friends 60th birthday.
We love you President Wiest!

Then I ran out with my friend to go paddle boarding.
So beautiful and peaceful out on the water watching the sun set.  And such great company.  I am sure super lucky to have lots of friends that want to play and explore with me.  A wonderful crazy busy day!

The rest of the week was full of lots of sports.  Tried out floor hockey and basketball with friends and really enjoyed them.
Taking walks and exploring new trails in our neighborhood.
I love exploring with this guys.

And Pee Wee soccer is going great. Lots of fun playing with the kids and often staying after to play at the park.
Where we got to see the world's friendliest ferret.

Shopping for new toys with their money they earned at the bake sale.
So many options!

Friday Alex's mom came up to watch our kids again.  Seriously can't thank her enough for her help.  So Alex and I could got to a Ma and Pa campout for trek coming up.
I am so excited to help at the trek again.  And this campout got me even more excited to meet our "family" and trek with them.

Once we got home Saturday we got all cleaned up and ready for our friends birthday ball.
We clean up pretty nice.
So much fun celebrating our friends Samantha and Joe.  They sure know how to throw a party.  Hands down it was fancier than my wedding reception.   We are pretty lucky to call them our friends.
We danced and laughed the night away.  Great night!

Sunday we finally bribed Clifton into pulling his tooth out.
And it came out to easily.  Happy boy about his tooth coming out.

Fun  things from this week...
Daddy being naughty and playing cookie face with pancakes, at dinner time.

Got to see this cute little bambi deer and his mommy!  LOVE this so very much.  its been almost a year in our neighborhood and I am still in love with all the deer.

Being silly with Snapchat.

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