
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Got the Rising Star award at school.  Although he isn't giving us a smile he was so excited.  He is a great student and tries really hard to do his best.  We couldn't ask for more.

Updates on McKay -
Got her dance costume for her first recital and she is over the moon about it.  Counting down the days till her recital.

Updates on Stanley -
Poor guy is struggling big time with allergies.  Non stop runny nose and watery eyes.  It's that time of year.

This week I was still trying to recover from Bronchitis but had more energy and the sun was shining.
Got an exercise in for the first time in a week.  It wasn't much and my lungs didn't love it but getting moving again felt good and my little walking buddy is the cutest.

Monday night for FHE we played games with balloons.
 Ballon races.
And knocking over cup.

This week was full of errands trying to get ready for the first ever Sunnyslope Carnival.  But any chance we got to get outside and play we did that.  Lots of park time this week.
And we got out to play as a family as much as possible too.
Street hockey!
Just enjoying the beauty that Spring brings.

Thursday we got to have a lunch with Randi for Lil Saints stuff.
It was nice to get together with her and talk business stuff too.  Stanley is getting pretty good at being my errand partner.

Saturday was the big day!  Sunnyslope's first ever Spring Carnival Fundraiser.
So much preparation and time went into this event.  I couldn't believe that it all came together so well.  The weather was cooperating, tons of people came (way more than expected), and it was so much fun.  I cannot thank everyone who donated their time, food, donations, and more for this event.  Our community is amazing.  With everyone coming together we put together a great event and it brought in more money than expected for the PTA.  Of course there are things that could be altered or done better for next year but for the first ever it was a huge hit.
Alex is amazing and took the kids to the carnival while I ran things.  They said they had a blast!  What a great man I have.  He never complains and is always supportive with all the many things I take on.

After a full day at the school setting up, running, and taking down I am surprised I had energy to go onto the next activity especially with still trying to kick this sickness.  It must have been all the adrenaline.  Next was teaching swing dancing to the youth.
It was so great to dance the night away.  I will always have energy to dance with this guy.

Sunday was a relaxing day to recover from Saturday's full day.
A nice day at church and then just hanging out at home together.

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