
Monday, April 23, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Got sick Saturday night.  The cold finally got him and he had a fever as well.  Luckily his was short lived after a rest day at home Sunday.

Updates on McKay -
Somehow has managed not to get the cold that has been going around.

Updates on Stanley -
Is obsessed with band-aids.  Anytime something hurts or he gets a little scratch he will go get the band-aids and insist I put one on.  He has 5 bandaids on now.  Silly boy!
I can't remember what scratch or ouchy this was but that face!

Sunday it hit me hard that I was officially sick.  I slept most of the day after church hoping to feel better.
But it only got worse.  We spent most of the week like this.  This cold was kicking my booty.  Then Alex got it too, so we were both out.  Alex seemed to bounce back faster so I went into the doctors and found out I had bronchitis.  But all they could give me was Sudafed and an inhaler.
Thank heavens Stanley was extra cuddly this week and didn't mind just hanging out at home doing not much.  He wasn't feeling great for a couple days either which seemed to slow him down a little.
However taking a nap with him wasn't working.  He insisted he take a nap with me, but Treasure and him had other plans.  Silly kiddo!

The inhaler helped clear out some gunk and I was feeling well enough to get moving a little after a few days.
So we get out to play for a little.  Walking in the rain and made boats to race.  It was nice to have some energy back.

Friday was spirit day at school.  We got spirit yes we do!  We love Sunnyslope.
I still had no voice and coughing up a lung, but had energy and things that needed to be done at school.
Like getting pizza for Clifton's class who read the most minutes of the 2nd and 3rd grade classes.  Stanley sure doesn't mind being a PTA kid sometimes.

Saturday was the Port Orchard day of service.  I really wanted to go to this especially cause one of the projects was at the kids new school they will be going to next year.
The kids did great and had a lot of fun even though we got soaking wet and filthy.  I am so glad we had the opportunity to serve, but boy it whipped me out.  Still trying to recover, I would like it to be done now.  My belly and my bladder are not enjoying this coughing and the exhaustion.

After much needed bath and down time the kids had a primary activity.  Drive in movie fun...
They were to make cars out of cardboard boxes to park in and watch a movie.  Since I haven't been feeling well I didn't round up boxes so we decorated laundry baskets.
They had a lot of fun with friends at the activity.


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Kenna! Bronchitis is a beast.
    I know how much you guys love Sunnyslope, so I'm curious as to why you're changing schools.

    1. We don't want to leave especially since we have gotten so connected and involved this year, but they are changing the boundaries. Sadly our neighborhood has been asked to move to a different school. As sad as we are we have heard great things about this school and it gives us another reason to get involved and make new friends.

    2. Wow, even asking the PTA president to change schools? But I guess you were gonna be done with that role anyway, right? I'm glad you've heard good things about the other school! I hope the transition goes smoothly for your kids. I'm sure they'll know other kids if your whole neighborhood is changing schools.
