
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Lost another tooth!  A ball to the face helped :)

Updates on McKay -
Got to have a date with Dad and go shopping for new clothes.  That girl is growing like a wild flower!

Updates on Stanley -
Started soccer!

Monday night for FHE we went out to the driving range and had fun hitting balls and Clifton got to try out his new clubs.
Look at that tongue :)
Fun night.

Tuesday was an exciting day.  Stanley is now old enough to join in on the Pee Wee Soccer.
And I get to coach with these lovely ladies!
We got a great group of kiddos this is going to be fun.
Stanley and I treated ourselves for all our hard work that morning.

That night was cub scouts.  I got called as a den leader get to work with my awesome friend.
Cub scouts isn't so bad ;) Great partner to work with, yummy treats, and fun activities.

Thursday was a beautiful day for soccer.
 And for a play date with friends.
 Can't complain about my view.
Wore them out or I am a boring reader.

Friday was May the 4th be with you.
 Kids wore their Star Wars attire.
 McKay and I did our hair like Rey.
And I made a little shirt to fit the theme.  "That's no moon!"

That day Alex had off so we got busy working in the yard.  Alex got a new toy, I mean tool and he went to work.
Stanley was working hard too.

That night PTA put on a Star Wars theme movie night, Phineas and Ferb Star Wars Episode.  And when we got home my mom had made it into town.  After we put the kids to bed she let us sneak away to go see a late night movie, Infinity War.
Such an intense movie!

My mom came into town to help watch the kids so Alex and I could celebrate our anniversary by doing our favorite thing.  Sounders time!
These seats were great! love this view and this weather.  Now if only we could figure out how to win a game.  I love my Sounders but we need to change something or this is going to be a rough season.
Then after the game we headed to the Seattle temple to be there for our nephew who was taking his endowments out as he prepares for his mission.  A wonderful full day.

Sunday I got to teach McKay's church class.
We had a great time playing the CTR game.

Then the boys and I went right into baking when we got home...
We love Sunday bakeday.

Then someone decided they should take a Sunday nap.

Other fun things from the week...
Our bird eggs hatched!
Finding caterpillars.

Getting beautified with McKay.

Introducing the kids to Star Wars.

Oh and our cat can open the front door!

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