
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Has a very hard time staying out of conversations that are not his and bossing his siblings around.  I think he is trying to be helpful but it makes things a lot more difficult.  We are sure working hard on being better at it.

Updates on McKay -
Someone made it in the School District Newsletter.  She feels pretty famous.

Updates on Stanley -
We are working on pulling up his pants.  He often insists he can't and will walk out of the bathroom naked.  One day I heard him go potty then I heard the front door open.  Yep he was just sitting out their playing with his pants around his ankles.  It doesn't even bother him, he'd rather go naked than pull them up.  Silly kid!

Monday Alex headed to Colorado for the week.  We had a crazy busy week ahead without him.
Monday was the start of Lil Saints Soccer Clinic.  McKay and Clifton were both very excited to play. I was impressed with McKay, such a big change from last year, less tears and trying hard.  I was happy to only assist in coaching this year, not sure I could have mustard up the energy to be the main coach.

This was a rough week without Alex.  Tuesday was just one of those days.
So tired but so much to do.  Kids were not listening...
And were destructive.

But luckily the week got better.
Park play dates.
Stopping at the pet store after running some errands.

Joining McKay's class at their puppet show.
So much fun!

Stanley dancing while waiting for McKay to finish her dance class.

Saturday was the annual Sinclair View Color Run!
 One of our favorite traditions!
 Despite the chance of rain we had a great turn out.
Although this year was not nearly as great trying to run/walk pregnant that didn't hold me back from having fun.  Just slower fun!
No rain, all smiles, great friends, altogether a wonderful time.  Till next year!

After we got cleaned up and dressed for the day I decided to get messy again :). The rain began to fall so we did some crafting inside.
We painted a lot of Port Orchard rocks.  Luckily the kids didn't get that messy and we had fun.

We also couldn't keep our excitement contained and told Dad what the kids got him for Father's Day. 
So we got it out and played!  Battle Bots game, big hit!

Alex always watches this show with the kids and now they can play with him.  The kids saw a commercial for it and insisted we got it for Daddy.

Sunday we got to baking!  Homemade brownies for the win.
The benefits of helping bake goodies.

We also sat down and discussed a new Faith in God goal to work on.
Clifton and I saw an idea about walking 100 miles during summer.  So we decided that would be our 2018 family summer goal.  We are excited!

Other fun from the week...
We saw lots of new wildlife this week and it made us very happy.

I sure have hit a wall and am exhausted.  Luckily my kids are willing to help.
I am pretty lucky to have such cute helpers!  Now hopefully they don't mind helping more and more these days.

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