
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
We have had a rough week.  I feel we are butting heads a lot lately.  I need to come up with another way to make Clifton feel loved and not left out.  I think he is struggling with me slowing down and not being as active and engaging as normal.  And maybe even a little scared of the change that is to come with baby.

Updates on McKay -
McKay is very excited to have a baby in the house.  She came home with this in her school notebook and it almost brought me to tears.  She is a really good helper and I am excited that she is excited to help.  Cause I'll need it ;)

Updates on Stanley -
Went along so well with all the activities we had this week.  Actually I think he enjoyed it because a lot of the time he got to run around free reign.

This was one of the craziest weeks we have had.  Lots to do, I guess there is no rest for the weary.  It was the last week of school so lots of PTA stuff to do.  Almost a full time job this week with PTA stuff, but we had fun.  Stanley didn't seem to mind being at school everyday this week if it meant this much fun.
Field day fun.

We also finished up the Soccers clinic.  I survived and the kids had a blast.  Although my body was very exhausted this week.

Thursday we had the opportunity to help provide and serve dinner to a shelter.
 The kids helped make Father's Day treats to hand out.
The kids did well helping and enjoyed it.  I am so glad we got to have this opportunity and that we got to celebrate our friends birthday as well.  Such a good night!

Friday my doctors appointment turned into a very long one because he got called in to deliver a baby right as I was getting there.  Thank goodness for Alex and his entertaining skills.
Shadow puppets with the exam light.

Then we headed to McKay's Kindergarten celebration.
Such a fun class she had this year and an amazing teacher.  We couldn't have asked for a better year!
Cute little celebration/performance.

Friday night was the only night we had nothing on our schedule so we decide to do a movie night!
That was needed!

Saturday was a big day!  It was the day of our Port Orchard Challenge Scavenger Race.
Randi and I have been working really hard on this for a while and it went well.  The weather was perfect, people came, and it was fun.  Although I wanted to join in on the fun, but probably best I didn't and just watched ;)

Then it was McKay's first dance recital.  And she rocked it!
We love Kate!  She is the perfect dance teacher for McKay.  We are so happy McKay has found something she loves.
Mrs. Sullivan is the best, taking time out of her weekend to come watch McKay.  We love her so much.
And Grandma and Grandpa P came to cheer her on too!  She is one lucky girl to have so much support.  Then we got to take Grandma and Grandpa out to dinner.

But first Clifton and Grandma had to show off their skills too.

Sunday was Father's Day!
 We spoiled him with another gift, a new toy and yummy breakfast of donuts, eggs, and bacon!
We sure love this guy and all the joy and happiness he brings into our home.  It is hard not to spoil him.
And that night the kids helped me make dinner for Dad too.  Cute helpers!

After, we made our teacher gifts thanking them for a great year.
I think they turned out pretty cute!
Now to rest from this crazy week!

Other fun from the week...
When the World Cup is on, the schedule replaces the family photo on the desktop :)

Just Stanley and Treasure playing.
She isn't the cuddliest cat and is quite spunky but she fits in perfectly with our crazy family.

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