
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Schools out for Summer!

Updates on the kids - I have been doing horrible this summer keeping up with the blog, so its hard to remember what is new with them.  Summer break has been a blast so far.  We are all loving slowing down a little and just playing.  Not so many meetings or places we have to be, just time to have fun together!

Monday was the last day of school!  And boy was it more emotional than I had expected it to be.  We sure love Sunnyslope.  What a year it has been!  My kids have been blessed with amazing teachers.
And I am pretty sure Stanley thinks Mrs. Strobis was his teacher all year long.
He sure loves her!
The reason it was such an emotional day was because we won't be coming back to Sunnyslope next year.  Our neighborhood has been moved to another school, which I have heard great things about and know we will be fine.  But leaving Sunnyslope is hard, especially after giving a year to PTA and getting to know all the wonderful staff/teachers and so many wonderful kids.  I am going to miss all the hi's, high fives, hugs, and so much more.  I think I might miss Sunnyslope more than my kids ;).
We love the Sunnyslope theme song.
This was the hardest year ever for me.  PTA duties, the crazy drama and changes that came with it, having a toddler, and being pregnant may have been a tad bit much.  However I would never take it back.  I loved being at the school and around my kids.  Stanley usually didn't mind being at the school and made friends with many staff/teachers and kids.  I met amazing people that I may not have met if I stayed within my comfort zone.  I learned a lot about myself and what I can do and what I need to do better.

That day was half day so after saying all our goodbyes we headed to the beach with friends.
Then headed home to have ice cream sandwich to celebrate the start of summer.
And made necklaces our of the shells we found at the beach.

That evening we headed out for a hike to start of our 100 miles during the summer.
First of many walks/hikes.  Alex didn't join us he headed over to Seattle to be at our nieces graduation.  So proud of her and glad that one of us got to go support her.

Tuesday was the official start of our summer break and it was a beautiful day!
We headed over to our friends house to play in her amazing waterslide and have lunch.
Also introducing our mommy helper, Sully.  He is willing to come play with us once a week and my kids couldn't be happier about it.  Actually they ask quite often why he comes over only once a week ;)

Then we headed to the beach to have one last hurrah with our friends the Halol's.
We sure are lucky to have such amazing friends.  We will miss them very much!

Wednesday Clifton started a little Basketball Camp at the HS with friends.
He couldn't be more excited about it.  What a great group of boys!
Afterwards Clifton was invited to go play at Bookshaka with friends to celebrate their birthday's.
Seriously we have the best of friends.  Clifton had a blast and it was so nice of them to take him.

After basketball camp we headed to play group with friends at the Narrows beach.
So excited for play groups all summer long.  Everything is better with friends.
After playing with friends we decided to walk the Narrows bridge for our hike that day.  We had fun and even spotted a porpoise.

Friday was the last day of Basketball camp.
The boys really enjoyed the camp.
That evening we had a wonderful walk with Alex.
I am loving this challenge.

Saturday we headed to explore a new hike.  Alex had a meeting so it was just the kids and I.
We loved the beach, there were so many crabs walking around.  We spent the morning crab catching.
A beautiful hike!

On our way home we stopped by the newer park in Gig Harbor.

Other fun things from the week...
I haven't posted much about this baby and probably because I don't feel great but I thought I should capture some photos of this journey.
35 weeks pregnant and feeling gigantic.

Loving the nature around us.

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