
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Making more and more sports books.  The ones he did this week were Football QB stats and World Cup winners since the start.  That boy cannot get enough of sports!

Updates on McKay -
She often offers to rub my feet because she knows they hurt.  I love her tender heart.

Updates on Stanley -
Accomplished his goal of pulling up his pants after going potty!  Happy day, it's the little things that make you excited in parenthood.

Monday was a HOT day here so we decided to keep cool at the Bremerton Fountains with friends.
Such a fun day in the sun.

Tuesday was Pioneer Day.  We made Johnny Cakes and homemade butter for dinner.  Alex told stories about his ancestors that were pioneers.
Then of course played stick pull.
And ended the evening with a walk.  I loved today, traditions!

Wednesday we enjoyed the library show with friends.
 Then our daily walk included slurpees and walking the docks in Port Orchard.
Amazing how much faster they walk when slurpees are involved ;)

Thursday we went and walked/biked Cushman Trail.
 Then stopped by the Boat Park (I am not sure of its real name that's just what we call it).

We were super hot after playing in the sun so we went home to cool off in the water.
And waited for Dads arrival home to attack!

Alex had Friday off so he went to work on our backyard.  Still working very hard on fixing our yard up.
Who needs a stump grinder when you have an Alex.  He was quite proud of himself.

Saturday we celebrated Pioneer Day with our church.
Playing fun games and eating yummy treats.

Hoping this is my last Sunday pregnant so I figured I would document it.
So ready to be done! 40 weeks on Monday.

Because my due date is the next week my mom came up Sunday after church.
And she joined us in our daily walk.  We are all so happy to have Grandma S here!

Grandma brought her gift for Alex's birthday (early since she is here).
More robots for Battlebots.  We had a fun evening playing with them.

More fun from the week...
We love catching frogs especially these tiny ones.  Frog nose!
We also never tire seeing/feeding deer in our yard especially baby deer!

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