
Friday, August 10, 2018

Introducing Hazen Oliver Peterson (FINALLY!)

Updates on Clifton -
Had Scout Day Camp all week and loved every minute of it.  Although he was sad that he missed out on some Grandma time.

Updates on McKay -
Loved having Grandma here, she would do arts and crafts with her all day long.  Grandma even taught her how to use a sewing machine and made a couple sewing projects.

Updates on Stanley -
Finished his goal of pulling up his pants all by himself and got to go on a date with Mom or Dad.  Of course Dad is cooler, so they went out to get frozen yogurt.
My cute boys!

Monday was my due date and I wasn't feeling much happening.  I had no idea it was going to be such a long week.  Thankfully I have amazing friends who keep checking in on me, bringing me my favorite treats, messaging my feet, and trying to help keep my spirits up.

My mom was here all week waiting for baby to arrive.  She had a lot of fun with my kiddos while we waited and was a lot of help.
Did a few sewing projects with the kids.  One of which included making Treasure a bed.  Treasure approved!

She joined us on the daily walks.
 Anderson Point is NOT an easy hike 40 weeks pregnant, haha.
Staying cool.
 Grandma's are fun.
 Dad's are funny!

Clifton spent his days at Day Camp.  Since I hadn't had baby yet I was able to join him for one day.
He had a great week!

Grandma even sent us out on a date.  We went mini golfing and then out to eat.
I thought it would be fun to play with with blue (boy) and pink (girl) and who ever won determined what we were having.  Just for fun, who knew it could tell the future ;).  Alex was the winner, but not by much.

Friday rolled around and I had my doctors appointment and still nothing looked like it was moving along.  So we were scheduled to be induced Monday.  That night I felt contractions and they started to get steady but then they just stopped.

Saturday Alex headed to Olympia for our nephews baptism.  I wasn't feeling up to going and worried if I did go into labor that I was so far away from my hospital.  So my mom and I got a day together.  She took me out to breakfast and then we went shopping to fill the house in preparation for baby coming.  That evening we went on a walk, it was the hardest walk for me.  I was just in a lot of pain and almost couldn't finish a mile.  Still thinking nothing was going to happen though and that I was destined to be induced.  Then in the middle of the night I woke up with contractions happening pretty consistent.  I labored at home for a while waiting till they got more intense to go in.  I was a 7 when I got to the hospital and within an hour and a half I was ready to push.  He was one of the best labors yet.  The nurse listened to me and I listened to my body.  Because she believed me that I go fast things went smooth.  Although I cannot remember any of my babies moving while I was laboring, but Hazen was moving and grooving the whole time.  Matter of fact while he was crowning the doctor said he watched his head make a whole 90 degree turn.  All I remember was that I was screaming and the doctor said "hmmm I have never seen that before!"  HAHAHA.  At 5:13am Sunday August 5th 2018 Hazen Oliver Peterson was born.  He was 7 pounds and 8 ounces and 20 inches long.  Came out wide eyed and ready to take on the world.  Healthy and happy baby.  After a little we did discover that he has a different blood type than I do, which could be a problem, but things worked out fine and he should have all of my blood out of him by now.
We were smitten by his cuteness and the fact that he finally made it.  Now we were all super surprised it was a boy, but we will happily take another boy.
Yep we are in love!
The look on my face after we just had Hazen.  Did that just happen!?!  Still thinking I was dreaming, haha.
Cute as a button!  He was so alert for most of the morning.  Reminded me a lot of Clifton, he was the same way when he was born.

That morning before church my Mom brought the kids up to meet their new brother.  They were all surprised it was a boy too.  I was worried McKay would take it bad that it wasn't a girl, but she was just extremely happy to have a baby that she didn't mind it being a boy.  Stanley however cried :) I think he was just so sure it was a girl that it confused him.
They all quickly feel in love too.
My heart couldn't be any happier!

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