
Monday, August 20, 2018

Hazen's First Week

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton finished a goal he has been woking on and choose to go on a date with Mom.  He sure has missed me being active because he really just wanted to play a sport with me, he didn't care what sport.  I had to let him know even though I am not carrying a baby I still need time to heal but we decided I could do pickleball.  He is ready to have his active mom back and boy am I ready too ;)

Updates on McKay -
Completed a goal she has been working on and choose to go on a date with Dad.  Her choice was to get frozen yogurt.

Updates on Stanley -
Loves Hazen but has been acting up.  He is super sweet but has to have his hands on someone and bugging them.  Hoping we can figure out how to give him some attention that keeps him happy.

Updates on Hazen -
He is such a good eater and pooper!  I didn't try to breast feed this time and went straight to the bottle.  I really think that helped with his eating cause I have never had such a good eater.

Monday we were still in the hospital but got to break out of there that afternoon!  My mom brought the kids up that morning to visit again before they went bowling.
 They sure love him!
 Stanley's face :)
My mom was so wonderful to come up and help out, and stay longer than expected because Hazen decided to take a little longer.  I am sure thankful for her!
Getting all his tests done so we can go home!
We finally got permission to go home and we couldn't be happier about it.  Love this family of mine!

Monday was Alex's birthday and we were able to go home to have dinner.  Unfortunately I made him make dinner for his birthday and go to the store to pick out his birthday treat but we enjoyed being home and celebrating him.
We sure love this guy!  He is my favorite, here's to another year!

This week has been full of figuring out how to be a family of 6.  My mom went home Tuesday and Alex's mom came up for a night.  We are thankful so much for all the help given to us.  For Aunt Rebecca coming up and playing with the older kids while we rested, dinners that were brought over by friends, visits, and love sent our way.  We feel very blessed!
Aunt Rebecca took the older kids to play at Chuck E  Cheeses and they had a blast playing together.

We didn't do much this week.  We spent most of our time snuggling Hazen and I enjoyed watching my kids fall in love with him.
Seriously my heart could explode with joy watching them.

We did get out a little.  Hazen's first walk, trying to complete our 100 miles!
Once we started moving he enjoyed the walk.
He sure did enjoy the heat.

We also got out to pick blackberries.

Hazen's also had his first bath!
He liked it until it was time to get out and dry off.

Clifton and I got to sneak away for a little and go on a walk and play pickleball for a little.
Clifton beat me twice but it's going down when I am up to running around.

Sunday we felt up to go to church.
 Looking their Sunday best.
It felt good to actually get dressed for the day.

Other fun from the week...
Enjoying our view.

Stanley playing Foosball apparently it takes his hands and his feet.

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