
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

President Nelson

Updates on Clifton -
Was introduced to a math game at school called Prodigy and wants to play it all the time.

Updates on McKay -
Well she had a great first week of school but the tiredness and back to school grind has gotten to her this week.  It was a rougher week for her.

Updates on Stanley -
Still cries every morning we drop off Clifton and McKay.

Updates on Hazen -
Lots and lots of smiles.  He sure is a happy boy.
From sad to happy! Yep he melts our hearts.

Monday I got to workout for the first time after Hazen.  It felt so good to move and sweat again.
Time to say goodbye to this baby fat!
These boys seemed happy to be back at Zumba too.  Silly boys!

That night for FHE we tried to make a healthy treat. Two words... Pinterest fail!
What it is supposed to look like.
How it turned out.  We ended up just eating the melted chocolate so.... not too healthy ;)

Tuesday after soccer Clifton had his pack meeting.  The annual Food Fight.
 Ready to get messy.
Stanley and McKay joined in too.  McKay left after maybe a minute crying (like I predicted) and Stanley enjoyed it, until he got yogurt in his face.
Fun night!

While McKay and Clifton are at school I have been enjoying time with just these two guys.
 It's quite hard to get anything done with these two cuties but I sure love my cuddle time.
We have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather.  Hope it lasts!

Most of our time is spent at soccer.
We don't mind being outside watching the leaves change and playing soccer with friends.

Friday night is now movie night!  It's usually our only night we don't have anything going on.
Homemade pizza and World of Dance Finale.  Friday nights are much needed after a busy week.

Saturday was a big day.  The Prophet was coming to Seattle to speak to members of the church in this area, 49,089 to be exact!
So we jumped on the ferry to go to Safeco Field.  It was so fun to see many friends.

I have never seen so many people and it was crazy, but we got to sit with family and listen to the Prophet.
The spirit that was there was so strong.  I have not been more sure that there really is a living prophet on this Earth.  I loved being surrounded by so many others who are wanting to hear the word of God.  Every time we spotted someone we knew it was a joyous meeting.  How blessed are we to have had this experience.

Sunday Hazen got dressed to impress...
My golly he is so cute!

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