
Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Updates on Clifton -
Has played out in the snow for at least a couple hours every day.

Updates on McKay -
Is such a home body so she has loved having the whole week off of school and at home.

Updates on Stanley -
Also has played in the snow every single day and won't stop eating it.

Updates on Hazen -
His first tooth has popped through!

It snowed all night Sunday and into Monday.  We got dumped on!
About 22 inches.  That is the most snow I have ever seen here. The last time they had this much snow was 50 years ago!  So school, work, everything was shut down!  We were forced to stay home and play in the snow.  It was amazing!
 The kids and I made an igloo, kind of.  Clifton lasted the longest.
We found the cutest bear in it later.
Alex took a turn building.

It is all so beautiful!

I was super nervous about losing power.  And we did but only for a few hours!
We made the best of it while it lasted.

Tuesday we started to shovel our way out.
We still stayed home that day but we could get out if needed.
Since we didn't want to try to get to the driving range to sled we made our own track.  We call it the snowercoaster.

Wednesday we had another day at home, but we did get out to the store and back just fine.  Main roads are clear.  Since I wasn't sure if there would be school or not we put together our Valentines.
And after we finsihed we got a call that school was canceled.  My kids were sad to miss school on valentines day.  So I called a couple friends and said lets get together at our church.

I must love my kids cause I spent the night making 26 graham cracker houses for building love shacks.

Thursday we started Valentines day out right. Since we were stuck in our house we hadn't been able to do some of our Valentines kindness count down.  Having no school we were able to get to the assisted living center and hadn't out flowers/valentines cards.
Such a good morning.

Then we headed to our church with friends.
Pretty sure my kids were happy with their Valentines day.
And we all wore our shirts we made!
I love these crazies and that they all still love wearing matching shirts.

Friday school got canceled again.  So we spent more time in the snow.

That night we had planned a Valentines Stake Dance and decided to still go through with it.
We danced through the ages and dressed up as our favorite decade... the 90's Wayne and Garth.  Party on!

Sunday after church we got to meet cute little piglets.
Oh my goodness they were so cute!  Thanks to Dallin for showing us around the barn.
And if the pigs were not cute enough... Hazen and piglets puts the cherry on top.

That night we all said our goodbyes to Daddy as he heads to Florida/Georgia for the next two weeks.

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