
Monday, March 4, 2019

Updates on Clifton - I had some rough moments with Clifton and really all my kids this week.  But I also had some really really special moments with Clifton.
He made me breakfast one morning and left me a nice note another night.

Updates on McKay -
Hasn't lost a baby tooth yet and her adult teeth have grown in behind.  We thought giving it time would get them to fall out but it hasn't.  So she got them pulled.
I was so nervous she would scream and freak out so I didn't tell her what she was going into the dentist for.  After she came out eustatic and said they were working on her teeth and they jus fell out.
So glad it went well!

Updates on Stanley -
Was soooo sad when Clifton and McKay went back to school this week after a long week off.

Updates on Hazen -
Has another tooth poking through!
He loves to chew on anything he can.  Mmmm... chicken.

Monday was a holiday so the kids had no school.   They requested we go bowling.
This was another good moment in a crazy and stressful week.  They played so well together and cheered each other on.

Tuesday there was no school for a teacher inservice day.
The boys spent the morning outside... which turned into snow biking.

Then we headed to see Lego Movie 2 with friends.
Cute movie and fun outing with friends.

Cub scouts that night and Clifton was so excited to learn pocket knife safety and to use his knife.

Wednesday McKay and Clifton were supposed to head back to school.  Clifton spent the morning throwing up and McKay had a dentist appointment to pull teeth and I needed to keep an eye on her for a little after.
It was a rough day! Alex has been gone and will be gone for two weeks.  The kids hadn't been to school in 11 days and I needed a break.  BUT we survived!

Friday we went to Bingo night at school and McKay won!
A nice night out!

The kids set goals on trying to be a peacemaker this week and if they reached their goal they would get to go to Chuck E Cheese Saturday.
They were perfect but I could see them trying to work on the goal they set and they earned it!  I got no picture of the older kiddos because they were running around.

Sunday we did a fun experiment and talked about being "salt of the Earth".
 Then the kids asked to play a game.  They love a game called Compatible.  It is for couples but I change it to work for the kids.  I choose a word and they sort through a deck of pictures/words and choose a certain amount.  The goal is to have matching cards with the others playing.  This time the word was MOM.  I meant mom in general but they said they picked them about me.
I was pretty happy with their choices.

Alex was in Florida all week here is some of his adventures.
 Boat ride through the swamps.
Got to watch a rocket launch.

Other pictures from the week...
 Stanley and his friend got a chance to feed our deer friend.
So did I!  I love that they come around and are starting to trust us more.

Bath time in the sink!
So stinking cute.

He is my favorite!

So thankful for the MANY people who helped me with my kiddos while Alex was gone.  I am sure blessed to be surrounded by amazing friends.

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