
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Updates on Clifton -
Finished his basketball season.  He didn't love it this season, he says he wasn't very good (which isn't true) and it was a little more competitive this year.  It was still a good season, but he is ready to try another sport.

Updates on McKay -
Had a rough week.  Lots of complaining and crying this week but I don't think she was feeling very well.  Hopefully it was just a bad week.

Updates on Stanley -
The sun is shining and he has been loving to get outside more.

Updates on Hazen -
Loves to shower with me and I don't mind it one bit!

The sun shined down on us this week and we took advantage of it!  We spent a lot of time outside.  We got three hikes in his week.
 Charmander joined me on one hike :)
 Seriously they are so cute!
First time in the swing and pretty happy about it.

Saturday hiking with all the kids.  Hiking with four kids is a workout!
 Beautiful view though!  Even the kids stopped and said look mom its so pretty!  Oh sunshine we have missed you!
 They are crazy but I sure do love them.
Clifton is such a good brother to Hazen its so sweet.

Family Sunday hike.
Feels so good to be outside!
The boys and I even got to get outside and play hockey.
I swear the sunshine makes me such a better mom.

Wednesday was Clifton's last soccer game of the season.
 We are so very grateful for wonderful friends that coach and help get Clifton to and from the games when I couldn't.
We headed to ice cream after to celebrate another good season.

Saturday Alex and I got to go out on a date!
We enjoyed Captain Marvel and are super excited for the next Avengers movie!

Sunday was St. Patricks Day and to celebrate we made a rainbow and lucky charm cake.
I a not a great baker but I would say this was a success!  Miss McKay sure enjoys being my partner in the kitchen.

I love the new Come Follow Me program and the many opportunities it has allowed us to feel the spirit in our home.  Not ever lesson goes great but this was a wonderful one.  We laughed and we felt the spirit.
Learning to use our ears and eyes in feeling the spirit.

Other fun from the week...
Helping me cook.

 Such a cute weight I get to use in my workouts.  Working out is easier when my weight is smiling back at me.

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