
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Updates on Clifton and McKay -
They actually had a good week together.  They played well together and actually wanted to play with each other.  It wasn't me forcing them!  Enjoying these rare moments.

Updates on Stanley -
Had a really rough week.  Lost show time privileges most or the week and even had a couple days were we had to put soap in his mouth for spiting!  This has been an exhausting week with him and sure made us feel like we are failing as parents.

Updates on Hazen -
LOVES the stairs!  He loves to climb up them.  When we go downstairs and close the gate he always cries.  He really enjoys climbing up, then we take him back down, and he does it over again.  He would do it for hours if we let him.

Monday we had another Open Play.  Sadly it rained but we still had troopers out there playing with us.  My kiddos had a camp all week but Clifton choose to skip that day to come play soccer.
Only in Washington do you get a grass line instead of a sun tan line.  This has been a lame summer so far.  Bring on the sunshine Washington!

Monday night for family night we went park to the new park in Tacoma and rented this awesome bike.
 We had a blast biking around the park.
 There were seals out sunbathing on the sandbank.
Then we got some ice cream after!  Best family night ever, it seriously was such a fun night.  Everyone could participate and have fun.

The kids were at VBS camp all week and had a blast.
 Stanley had a hard time behaving there but we were lucky to have friends who were volunteering to help give him some extra help/guidance.
Wednesday they even got to bring a friend with them!

After camp each day we stayed busy playing.
 The kids had a blast in the yard making a fort and have been playing in it all week!
We had lots of friends come over this week and sadly we had rain, so we had to find fun inside.
McKay also auditioned for the library Talent Show and rocked it!

I was ver lucky to have a lot of friend time this week.
Hiking the beautiful Banner Forest.
Ladies Laser Tag night.
Celebrating our friends birthday by playing Nerf Wars.
I sure do love my friends!

Alex headed to Texas this week for work and they upgraded his car.  Lucky!
I try not to be jealous when he travels.

Saturday we headed down to Olympia to help set up and then celebrate for Macey's reception.
Another fun day with family.  We sure do love Macey and are very excited for her and Wyatt!

Sunday!  I am trying really hard to make Sundays a delight.  We often struggle with being home all day.

But it was a good day.  Go Fish for hours.
Then our Sunday Bakeday.  We made poop cookies, well because its funny!  The kids loved it.

Then we cheered on the Sounders.

Other fun from the week...
During church McKay drew a picture of Hazen.  I thought it was too dang cute!

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