
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Updates on Clifton -
Has caught the reading bug.  He finished the second book of Harry Potter this week and we are trying to get our hands on the next one.

Updates on McKay -
Had an allergic reaction to bug bites.  We took her in cause we thought it could be cellulites, but benedryl worked well.  The purple line is how big they got.

Updates on Stanley -
He has been SO hard lately.  Never listen and is always touching, hitting, punching, pushing, even bitting!  I have been struggling with him and he sure doesnt seem to care about punishments, he'll cry when I put him in time out ir take something away but a minute later he is right back doing the same or another bad thing.  I sure do love him but I sure need to figure out how to handle this and praying its a phase.  Hazen is needing more attention so maybe he is just needing more attention from me.

Updates on Hazen -
Says "uh oh".  It's so stinking cute!  He also waves, high fives and points.  It is so fun to watch him learn new things.

Monday I got to spend the day at Cub Scout camp with Clifton.  Our pack decided to do our own camp this year and it worked out perfectly!

Tuesday I helped out and decided to bring all my munchkins with me instead of having a babysitter.  They had a blast joining in.
Such a fun camp!
Love the group we have.  And for the leaders that plan it, such wonderful ladies!

Early the next morning Alex, Hazen and I got on a plane to Utah.  Off to our nieces wedding!
 He is such a good baby to travel with!  We landed in Salt Lake and explored for a little.
 Met up with Aunt Andrea.
Then had dinner with our friends!  It was so good to see them.  Love the Dyal's!

The next day was the wedding!  It was beautiful.  Macey sure made a beautiful bride.
 Hazen looking his finest for the wedding.
 Love birds.
Such a cute couple!

That evening we did a session at the Provo City Center Temple.
It was amazing and SO beautiful!

We had a blast spending time with family and celebrating the marriage of Macey and Wyatt.
The next day we got up and headed out.
But our plane had some issues so we had to get off the plane and wait.  Three hours later we were off.  And then we hit Tacoma traffic on our way home.  About 10 hours after we left we were home!  Glad we got home safely though.

My mom is simply amazing and took the older three camping while we were in Utah. and they had a blast!
They are pretty dang lucky to have such a fun Grandma.  Thanks Mom!

Sunday bakeday - sushi rice krispies.
They turned out pretty cute and tasty too!

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